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Old 09-05-2017, 09:37 AM
BJFan99 BJFan99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Eveline View Post
I've read quite a few stories about singers who lost their singing voices when dealt with stressful situations like a divorce. Found this article while browsing the Net:


When we perceive something as threatening or upsetting the body reacts rapidly, preparing for action and producing physical changes that we are all familiar with. These may include:

Increased muscle tension
Increased heart and breathing rates
Perceived changes in temperature with shivering or sweating
Dry mouth and throat

Common physical signs of distress include:

Gut problems: (e.g. acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome)
Skin problems: (e.g. eczema /psoriasis)
Back, neck or other muscle pain (including laryngeal pain)
Breathing difficulties: (e.g. over-breathing panic attacks, a trigger for attacks in some asthmatics)
Hoarseness (dysphonia) or complete voice loss/whisper (aphonia)

Well, some of you observed that Jon has breathing problems and drinks a lot on stage. That would fit some of the signs at least...
Nowadays, Jon's singing voice is often hoarse (it even cracks way more often that it ever used to do pre-'13) and he whispers through at least 75% of the songs they perform live. He also seems to have a hard time breathing while singing at times.
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