Thread: Jungle screams
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Old 07-16-2017, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
First, you need to develop the vocal range. Second, work with a professional to mimic the technique without hurting yourself.
You're wrong on the first part - screaming does not correlate with vocal range. Screams are done with head voice, not with your chest. Hence singers like Bruce or James Hetfield are baritones with very little chest range (by popular rock standards), but can make occasional screams. You are right on the second part - screaming is not naturally sustainable for your vocal chords and I wouldn't do it without some professional help if my bank account depended on my voice.

Also, screams, much like natural chest voice, is unique for each individual, so even if one develops his scream to a confident and sustainable level, it's still a long way to sounding exactly like Jon in those KTF jungle parts.
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