Originally Posted by Mongoose
I just bought a BonJovi CD at Target. It has about 7 songs on it. I had not heard about it being released and just wondered where these songs came from and why they were put on a separate CD. By the way, it is very good! Thanks.
asked by Frisconat on Monday, January 6
Full details will be posted shortly - some Target people were a little quick to jump the gun on a very special, exclusive CD for sale at Target. Don't rush out to get it just yet as most Targets done have it for sale for a few more days.
answered by BON JOVI INFO HQ on Monday, January 6 5:27 PM
Hummm...so what does it actually mean??
"Don't rush out to get it just yet as most Targets done have it for sale for a few more days. " ????
I've trouble understanding Bon Jovi HQ answers...Why can't they just say "Full details will be posted shortly" or better still, only reply when they have concrete answers...