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Old 02-09-2017, 09:56 PM
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Lampinen Lampinen is offline
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Livin' on a Post
Join Date: 28 Aug 2002
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I struggled with something similar when I turned 20. Thought my days of messing around were over, time to be a responsible adult. How wrong I was During my twenties I went thru countless relationships, jobs, parties, friends, studies, happiness, bad times and what not. It was a great period in my life, since I wasn't a kid anymore but I was till young and pretty much care-free. Don't worry, you've got a lot of youth still ahead of you.

I used to think when I was younger, that people over 18 were old. Adults. Now that I'm past 30 I think people between 18-25 should be called post-teens.
*Thru the years and miles between us, it's been a long and lonely ride, but if I got that call in the dead of night, I'd be right by your side*
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