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Old 05-03-2022, 11:51 PM
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Default Justin Hawkins of The Darkness talks about Jon's Voice

Justin Hawkins, the lead singer/guitarist of British band The Darkness, has a YouTube Channel called "Justin Hawkins Rides Again" where he makes all sorts of music-related video/podcast/discussion/reaction content. I'm a The Darkness fan and I love Justin for his comedic persona (which has always been sewn into his performing and writing style and if you are as well, you need to check his Channel out.

Anyway, he's recently made a video about the current state of Jon's voice. Now many would argue who is Justin Hawkins to criticise anyone's singing ability (which is fair, especially if you're not a fan), coupled with how much this subject has been covered by many of us here since this version of DC began. He does raise some interesting points and it's interesting to hear other artists comment on how far gone Jon's vocals are now compared to the 80's and 90's. For years I felt like we were the only ones who noticed and there have been countless threads here about the subject, but the fact that it's so bad that it has become that obvious to a wider demographic is just saddening.

Justin, being a Bon Jovi fan himself, does raise some good points, like why haven't any of the band commented on this? Anyway, see what you think.

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PSN ID: Dave_Hedgehog86

Bon Jovi Concerts:
28th June 2003, Hyde Park, London
9th June 2006, St. Mary's Stadium, Southampton.
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