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Old 01-23-2018, 02:39 AM
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Originally Posted by cqleonardo View Post
To me is Take Me On hahaha, I got that, gonna check In America rn
Although I'd love a Studio or Soundboard version of Cadillac Man, I think anything decent of In America would be the ultimate score...

Personally, I don't think Cadillac Man is that great of a song for that time period but it still has that old school magic... We now have a first gen bootleg recording from Osaka which has fantastic clarity but the clapping gets on my ****ing nerves... Count Basie might be the best version I've heard them play but Hammersmith is right there too... It's like comparing a 9.9 to a 10...

Back to In America... If you listen to that song with a good set of headphones, it's apparent that Jon is singing throughout the entire thing... The more you listen, the more lyrics you make out...

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