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Old 06-05-2017, 05:44 AM
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Default Listening To The Entire Catalog Backwards

So I went on a small trip this weekend which was around a 2 and a half hours each way, 5 hours total... I thought, what better way to kill time but to listen to some Jovi... I really haven't listened to much since the end of tour... I was taking a well needed break...

I decided to start with THINFS and just keep going in reverse order... This includes bonus tracks and rarities. Here are some general opinions I've observed... Mostly positive...

1. I agree with the decisions between album tracks and bonus tracks on THINFS. Now that I stepped away from it, I reentered back in with a clear head. The bonus tracks are good but the ones chosen for the album fit so much better...

2. I actually like Burning Bridges better than THINFS... I think both are very good albums and both exceeded my expectations... THINFS is more of an album whereas BB might be a little choppy but song for song, BB wins... There are some really great songs on BB... I even love the song Burning Bridges just because it's different...

3. To expand on the above, as a collection of music between the 2 including bonus tracks, I think Jon and John really came up with a lot of new original material that create a really nice listen when you put it all together...

4. Here is the shocker.. I thoroughly enjoyed What About Now... I think the album is underrated and people are way too hard on it... The production is great and song for song it's a really good album... There are a few I'd get rid of like Amen but I'm like that with every album... Ever since Jon did The Fighter live in Philly, it created an instant soft spot with me... I'm also a sucker for the fast paced pop songs... Because We Can sounded fresh... Beautiful World is Beautiful Day. Not just because of the title "Beautiful" either. They just sound a lot alike but Beautiful World is much better. I love the part "The Pretzel man's wearing Gucci glasses"... Army Of One would be a better bonus track however the remaining songs below are all really good...

I'm with You
Pictures Of You
That's What The Water Made Me
What's Left of Me
Thick As Thieves
Room At The End Of The World

The 2 bonus songs Into The Echo and With These Two Hands are decent. I'm not really crazy about and two Stand Up Guy songs but they are tolerable... Of that acoustic style, The Fighter is the winner and I'm glad it stayed in WAN as a album track and not he 3rd song on the Soundtrack... Another decision that was made correctly...

5. The Circle is fantastic. Jon's voice sounds different and I never even realized it until today... Working Man actually comes across decent because Jon is not screeching through it and the studio production works... I still wouldn't care if it fell off though... Born To Follow was a poor single but not a bad track... Love's The Only Rule is still my favorite post 2000 song... Awesome Song...

This is where I stopped for the day... Overall TC, WAN, BB, & THINFS are all really good albums... I even change my opinion of Shanks... When you listen to them on CD / FLAC through a good stereo, the production is incredible...

I'll continue to add more as I go...
World’s Most Professional Bon Jovi Fan!!!

Last edited by Rdkopper; 06-05-2017 at 12:44 PM..
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