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Old 03-25-2010, 02:55 AM
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Default Lost Highway...

It isn't as bad as it is made out to be on here. If you take it as an album by itself, without the thought in the back of your mind that hey, Bon Jovi are meant to be a rock band, it is a very decent listen. I sat and listened to it from start to finish yesterday after not listening to it for a while, and I still really enjoy it.

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Old 03-25-2010, 03:13 AM
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For me it's a mixed bag. LH does prove that BJ can still write a ballad, just not a power ballad. It also gave us any other day; arguably one of the best songs of the past Jovi decade. I've no problems with the production of LH, it doesn't feel overdone but it kind of feels average.

But the bad side has to seep in somewhere, LH is listenable but uninspiring, it's not what I'd consider attention grabbing and theres nothing that makes me want to put it on and listen (except maybe any other day and memory), Wheras HAND has attitude and TC is a collection of songs that have different atmospheres, meanings, etc. I'd take HAND with it's overproduction instead of LH simply because LH also contains some of the worst tracks Jovi have ever concieved IMO: I love this town (album version sucks balls), WGIGO, seat next to you is pretty boring too.

So as I say, it's a mixed bag, but a mixed bag that someone took a huge shit in and the rewards gained from putting your hand in that shitty bag don't measure up for me. The BBC reviewer put it well: "it certainly won’t blow you away, but it won’t make your ears bleed either", however, "There are tracks here that are disappointingly pedestrian".
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Last edited by Matrix15; 03-25-2010 at 03:30 AM..
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:02 AM
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Till We Ain't Strangers Anymore is my favorite track of the album. I like The Last Night too.

But I think it's the worst Bon Jovi record, personally.

Summertime is one of the worst Bon Jovi songs ever.

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the Sexx
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Old 03-25-2010, 01:19 PM
sammy645 sammy645 is offline
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I like it, its different but still very good. Everybody's Broken, The Last Night, Make a Memory, Strangers and Any other Day are my fav tracks.

Walk Like A Man and Put the boy back in cowboy should have been on the original album though
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Old 03-25-2010, 03:47 PM
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The fun of listening to LH stops after Any Other Day.
I let iTunes read the album into my (very big) library and unmarked all songs that I don't like so iTunes doesn't play them. It resulted in 3 songs that were left. Lost Highway, Whole Lot of Leavin and Any Other Day. After Any Other Day the album knows only lame fillers with absolutely no energy, power, inspiration whatsoever.

I thought I liked LH more then Bounce but when it comes to Bounce I have 4 songs I like to listen every now and then and where I think the rest is crap. Bounce beats LH for me, but close.

And for The Last Night. I thought it was an original created song until I listened the boxset again and Crazy Love started playing. Identical.

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Old 03-25-2010, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by SexxAtraxxion View Post

Summertime is one of the worst Bon Jovi songs ever.
See, that was my reaction too when I heard it for the first time. It was so lame, dull and uninspiring. Now I really really like it. I mean, it's not an outstanding song, and it feels lost without the context of the album, but when I put it on it puts me in a good mood. It's fun to sing along to.

The whole album is indeed not as bad as some people say. But still it feels the band didn't put much effort in it, the songs are bland and simple, though I enjoy "Everybody's Broken" and "The Last Night", they are not the material or quality I expect from a Bon Jovi album. Musical creaitivity tends to zero at points. I hated "Till We Ain't Strangers Anymore" for about a year, but actually seeing youtube clips of live versions helped a bit, and by now I really like it, from time to time. It's true what Thunderstrucker said though - the first half is much better than the second.

The album has some real good songs though. I like the title track (though it shouldn't be played live that much anymore), "Whole Lot Of leaving", "Any Other Day" and "We Got It Going On", which is my second favourite off the album. It has such a cool vibe, and it totally kicked ass live.

"Make A Memory" is in my top 5 of BJ songs, it reinsurred my faith in the band. This is why I love them, for being capable of writing songs like these, and even putting it out as a first single. I know quite some people who are not fans but really liked it (ok, tbh I know one guy who went to many concerts with me and didn't like it). This song has an honest feeling about it, it wasn't written to be a hit, but to capture the mood of the moment. That is the spirit I like, and moments like these have been to few in the last years. The build-up is well done, and the climax breath-taking, really moving. Despite what Jon said about it, I always interpreted the lyrics in a way that two people get together again after a fight or after drifting away from each other, not especially a couple, moreso friends. "You can sing the melody to me, an I can write a couple lines", that just screams Cpt. Kidd & King Of Swing To Me.

Oh, and I like the album version of "I Love This Town". I wish the drums had more raw power, but it is what is is: A good old BJ fun song. Overplayed live, I agree.

All in all a solid album, but with the exception of "Memory" nothing earth-shattering here. A bunch of good songs, a bunch of medicore songs, and considering how the band felt when they went to Nashville, the record doesn't carry that feeling.
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Last edited by Simon; 03-25-2010 at 05:18 PM..
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Old 03-25-2010, 05:26 PM
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I can appreciate Memory too.
The downside with releasing that as first single is that it isn't reflecting the band's image as rock band (as far as they still have it)

Ballads just scores better, KISS knows, Pearl Jam knows, Bryan Adams knows and Bon Jovi know. Yet I pity it.

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Old 03-25-2010, 05:52 PM
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I really like Lost Highway. When I first bought the album I wasnt a fan. It took me a bit to get use to.

Whole Lot of Leavin is easily one of my top 5 Jovi songs ever. I am in love with it.

I also enjoy Memory, Any Other Day, Lonely, Walk Like A Man, Put the boy Back in Cowboy. And I know im in the mega minority here, but I really like WGIGO and Strangers. I have really warmed up to The Last Night as well.

Summertime, Lost Highway and Seat Next To You are ok I guess. Not the best Jovi songs by any means (I wish they'd drop Lost Highway from the setlists already).

Then there is I Love This Town and Everybody's Broken. Not huge fans of either.

Finally there is One Step Closer. One of my least favourite Jovi songs ever.

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Old 03-25-2010, 06:42 PM
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The album is decent. I love 'Lost Highway' the song and wish it would open shows like last tour.

I also love '(You Want To) Make A Memory' and 'Whole Lot Of Leaving'. Atmospheric songs which are just really good to listen to.

I can enjoy 'Summertime', 'Last Night' and 'One Step Closer', but they're not spectacular.

However, I hope I never hear 'Any Other Day' again. I end up apologising to my ears when that monstoristy comes on for a second before the inevitable 'skip'.
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Old 03-25-2010, 08:05 PM
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It's not my favourite album by the band but there are songs on it which i really do enjoy. (You Want To) Make A Memory is one of favourite post 2000 Bon Jovi songs, i absolutely love it. Whole Lot Of Leavin', i really like the way this is played live. We Got It Going On, it's shit on the record but i love it live (shameful i know)

I also quite like Seat Next To You and One Step Closer, catchy!
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