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Old 01-26-2018, 09:22 PM
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Becky Becky is offline
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Join Date: 30 Jul 2002
Location: Mississippi
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Fantastic player and songwriter, but not someone I left the building thinking “I have to experience this again.”

As a contrast, when I left my first Keith Urban concert, I got home, found his tour dates, and drove to Montgomery, Alabama, to see him play the next weekend. Because I wasn’t one to watch video stations and had never bothered to read his album credits, I didn’t even know he was his own lead guitarist. I was flabbergasted when I saw him. I had never experienced a player like that before.

Plus I was pretty f’d up from losing my dad a few months earlier, so I coped by going to LOTS of concerts! The right music at the right time can help with healing.
Life is short. Be sure to spend as much time as possible on the internet arguing about politics and entertainment.
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