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Old 09-27-2018, 12:58 AM
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Originally Posted by BJFan99 View Post
Cool! Are you going? If so, please film it!
Yes and no.

I'll explain why, because this might sound selfish in the first place. I used to do that - twice at BJ concerts and at the first Orchestra concert in 2014 we were three people switching the filming job on each song.
What I always ended up with was that sort of "empty" feeling, because no matter how great the concert was, I just couldn't get into it. Any time a rare song comes up you're focused on getting the camera ready, getting a good and unobstructed picture, force yourself not to sing along and completely zone out of the show. I've found for me that it's not worth it to have the best songs as memories you watched through the display of your camera. I would've never loved Mannheim as much as I did, had I at any point tried to get photos or a video. These days when I leave a show, I want to have 2 or 3 hours of great songs behind me that I experienced and not 2 or 3 hours of material on my SD card. Might still sound selfish.

But the last one in 2016 was filmed completely by even two people and they'll both be there again. So I'm sure a video will turn up. Plus the band surely films it as well.
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