Thread: One Wild Night
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Old 10-15-2010, 09:19 AM
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One Wild Night was a slow starter with me as was most of that album. However, just as it it is with Crush as a whole... my appreciation of the song has only grown over the years. The problem initially was I was looking for that song on Crush that just came at you with knives. I had to reset my expectations.. or let them go.

You pretty much summed up what my initial issues were with the song. It was just too damn hokey-sounding. It didn't rock with a sharper edge. It was a bit too sticky sweet. Then again.. when you take in the lyrics "It was a.. hot night. The natives are restless. We're sweating by the light of the moooon. There' s a voodoo mojo brewing at the go-go that could knock a witch of her broom." Somehow I wind up at a beachside club with a sticky sweet tropical drink in hand dancing to the house band.

I must admit I do miss this. It would be a welcome return to the set if the flow of the set called for it and it does shine brightest as a live number as opposed to the studio version. I do not expect or hope for it as an opener due to my personal preference they not repeat the past too much and focus on keeping the opening song fresh in whatever manner, be it new song or a song that hasn't been done before as an opener. Just if it comes back, catch me off guard.
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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