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Old 09-30-2017, 10:53 PM
Alphavictim Alphavictim is offline
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Jovi Freak
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It was by far the best live song from the Bounce album, and they played it live during most of the early (longer) promo appearances as well; so the band obviously felt strongly about the song. Kind of a shame it never became a live staple. Jon also said he liked Misunderstood, but that one also got shafted for the Greatest Hits tracklisting.

I really wish Bounce had a stronger first single, or even just a vocal arrangement and hook that lived up to the kickass instrumental. The guitar licks (not the solo, ironically enough) are absolutely ace. It's just that the hook itself is just okay. If there was a great first rock song & first single on the album, Everyday would just be an album track & that album would be 5/12 sweet guitar heavy stuff. The album could have been so much better with just a little more time I feel.
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