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Old 05-11-2014, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Paul Stanley's book:

"With Ace gone, we put the word out that we were looking for a new guitar slinger. Among others, we auditioned Steve Farris of Mr. Mister, Robben Ford, who was a great blues player, and Steve Hunter. Richie Sambora, who was in a newly formed band called Bon Jovi, flew in from New Jersey to audition. He wasn't yet the consummate player he would become, and he didn't get the gig.

"It's funny, but years later I heard him say he hadn't really wanted the job because he wanted to be in something more blues-based. First of all, it's hard to imagine that he flew to California to audition for KISS just because he liked airplane food; also, Bon Jovi's done a lot of great things, but they don't sit next to Howlin Wolf in my record collection."
If you weren't interested in blues-oriented guitarists, Paul, why did you audition Robben Ford? And wouldn't you have auditioned for Howlin Wolf if the worst outcome would be free a trip to where you could make additional professional contacts, plus the ability to mention it on your resume? Spare us your injured innocence!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 05-12-2014 at 03:28 AM..
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