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Old 04-18-2018, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by faith1985 View Post
Keep The Faith

The song that got me into the music. I used to have a crush on this guy that played bass and he when I heard him play this song I never got it out of my head. But even more importantly I was listening to it throughout my high school period and it helped me as it was a reminder of staying strong for me. I never took it as a song about religious faith but about haveing faith in yourself. Not all of the lyrics fit for me but some lines were important (still are today). The song is just 'my song' as I always felt a connection to it and was 'a friend' through many years (yep, lots of cheese here)
Thanks for your stories! The funny thing about KTF, though it never was one of the very personal songs for me, is the live experience I've had in Mannheim 2011. The show had kept ramping up all the time and the fans were loud around us. This one came near the end of the main set and I was kind of in a trance, but really screamed the lines "trying to hold on, trying to hold on" into the night like never before (and afterwards). Many people around me did something similar. It was a burst of emotion and a real goosebump feeling for a few seconds!
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