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Old 03-20-2023, 05:14 PM
semigoodlooking semigoodlooking is offline
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Jovi Addict
Join Date: 04 Sep 2017
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Posts: 516

  1. Does Crush count? If yes probably this album for me, because even though it is not a great album I hadn't been burned by that point so still had plenty of goodwill. While I do not listen to it much now I still look back fondly on that time. Also, the first half is still mostly excellent.

  2. Bounce is similar, I was still excited by this album. Didn't like it a lot but it got enough listening time. Such a sporadic messy one-tone album, but also oddly charming. I still like around 30% of the album but detest a few of the songs too. It got plenty of listening from me though as I was trying to force myself to love it. With B sides replacing some tracks it could have been worthy of classic status.

  3. Lost Highway was a miserable album and I only really love Memory from it and like Whole Lot of Leaving. However, I knew someone at the time who loved this album so I got to listen to it plenty because of that. Never has Jon's insistence that they never jumped on bandwagons and started going "Yo" looked more dishonest.

  4. The Circle was probably where I fully jumped off the Bon Jovi train. I think it was probably about as good a rock record as Jon was capable of by then. Even so, it had little heart and was plenty patronizing too. Although I like a couple of the songs and I did listen to the album a bit.

  5. Have a Nice Day, I disliked it from day one. It was the most calculated album by that point, and a clear push to that American corporate rock that I just never could enjoy. It was sugar pop pretending to be rock. I have come to appreciate the title track, but the rest I think is the most embarrassing music Bon Jovi has ever done until 2020. I was cringing for my own fandom at the time. Still, I was still a little blinded and did give the album listens.

  6. This House, I have a strange relationship with it. I think the bare songs are there and are verging on potentially excellent. It is just so bland and soulless and even though I kind of like most of the songs in a twisted objective way, they evoke almost no emotion in me.

  7. WAN I hate front to back but I did listen to it because my son bought it and gave it some traction in my house. I have never been as instantly shocked by the production of a new album as I was by WAN. Muddy and noisy without any dynamism and with music that has zero virtuosity, almost like programmed on a computer. Everyone on this album just seemed so tired and out of ideas.

  8. 2020 I listened to it one time and was mostly too ashamed because of the lyrics to get through it. There was one song I liked but I honestly do not even know the titles of all the tracks. I am aware that sometimes music needs to sink in and deserves more listens, but I just cannot bring myself to donate my time to this album.
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