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Old 10-02-2002, 10:21 PM
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Default More from Biography

Here's some more of what was said on Biography. I'm still paraphrasing:

Jon about Dorothea: She had been dating his friend Bobby and sat next to her in history. It started with small talk and looking over her shoulder for answers because he was doing absolutely nothing to help his studies along. Bobby left to join the service and left the girl behind. When they decided to get married, the band had the #1 album and #1 single in the country and he was looking for a higher high, so he said, "Let's go to Vegas" and she told him he was crazy, but he said he really meant it, so they did it without telling anyone. Tony said that Jon had this cat-that-ate-the-canary smirk on his face and he was like, "What's going on?" and Jon said, "We did it!" and Tony asked, "Did what?" and he told Tony they'd gotten married. Jon continued by saying that people got upset with him and told him he shouldn't have gotten married. That hurt him because no one should be in a position where people are saying "you shouldn't be married" when that's such a personal thing.

Jon about learning guitar: he started at 7 in a music shop where the guy would nod off while he was doing the scales that would drive a seven year old crazy. He threw the guitar down the cellar steps because he liked that sound better than the ones he was making. He later took lessons from Al Parinello who introduced him to some storytelling songs, including House of the Rising Sun. He was told to learn it or get his ass kicked, and that was just the threat he needed to get the job done.

Jon about meeting Richie: Richie came up to him, rather bold in his approach, and said, "I'm going to be your guitar player" and Jon thought, "Great, he's a pain in the butt already." LOL But they got along really well as friends and songwriting partners.

Jon about Al Gore: he felt in his heart of hearts that Gore was the right man for the job.

Jon about chasing a record deal: He thinks outside of the lines sometimes, so he went to a DJ to ask what he thought of Runaway. The DJ liked it... it got put on the WAPP record. It was a very unconventional way to get a record deal because it's unheard of to get major airplay in major markets without having a deal.

Jon about being sick: the cortizone shots got to the point that they weren't doing anything to help, just covering up more hurt. They did 9 shows in a row in NY and someone should have known it was time to pull the plug. He may not have specified cortizone, but he's said that before. I'm fuzzy on that one.

Jon on It's My Life: it's the most self-indulgent song he's ever been a part of. If he wants to make movies, he will. If he wants to do solo albums, he will. If he wants to do band records, he will.

Jon about movies: he never thought he'd ever get into movies, much less start writing them. But movies are a creative outlet for him that's in the arts. His 2 screenplays have been bought my "major studios" and he hopes they'll be made in the next year.

I'm sure I'll post some more later.

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Old 10-03-2002, 03:19 PM
Just Older Just Older is offline
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Hi Becky. Did you happen to tape JBJ's biography?

I would love to see it.

The band call me in the minority. The make me sit at the back of the bus and give me all the bad cigars. TT 1987
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