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Old 09-30-2008, 06:14 PM
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The same thing happend to me in high school! We got to pick a presentation on whatever we want, I did it on Jovi of course. And yeah, some people were laughing and what have you. I didn't really care much though. It just got annoying, and mine was clearly the best in the class. Sorry but it was, I got an A for it too.

But yeah, I used to get it a lot. I used to walk around with this bag in school. Tipexed with all this Bon Jovi stuff. Like Bon Jovi written on there, and some lyrics and that. And a lot of people would snigger, or come out with "Bon Jovi are gaaayy", "Bon Jovi are old", "Bon Jovi looks like a girl" etc. It wasn't just the Chavs either. It was also some of the heavy rock lovers, that loved Slipknot and Korn and shit. I'd get the odd "yay Bon Jovi" but it was very rare.

Back then, it seemed like nobody except me and one of my friends likes Bon Jovi.But once I left school it's like people are coming out of the wood works, lol. I know a lot more people that like them now since I've left there. Now if I'mw earing something Jovi related, I'll always get random people commenting it, in a good way. I think I just socialize (when I do socialize :P) at the kinda places where people are more likely to like them. Not because of that reason, but because that's just the kinda places and people I like. Like rock bars and shit. Now I'll get the odd negative comment, but more positive than negative.

You're young, and pretty mature for your age. You seem to have your head screwed on pretty well. (: Most people your age are just immature, ignorant little shits. They'll just find ANYTHING to pick on, and they'll pick on it. They are so hooked up on being "cool" and they are sheep, they can't have their own minds and like their own things. I was never that way, and that made me kinda different. I was never really into the chart stuff, I had grown up on Jovi, U2, The Police, stuff like that. Atlough these days I see lots more younger Bon Jovi fans. Like 14, 15 year olds saying how much the's awesome. But I dunno where they was when I was that age, none of them were around me except my one friend. ):

Ignore them, you're better than them. (:
Woah, sorry, that came out longer than planned, lol.
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