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Old 10-03-2004, 12:05 AM
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Captain Walrus Captain Walrus is offline
Tokyo Road
Join Date: 03 Aug 2002
Location: West Sussex, UK
Age: 37
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Memories .... not very many for this one I'm afraid:

Listening to it for the first time just while getting ready to go to my High School Leaver's Ball

Hearing Runaway for the first time on One Wild Night Live after playing the video game The Bouncer, and being struck about how the lyrics seemed to apply to that game

Hearing the opening of Runaway at Hyde Park, and hearing my friend (a casual fan) scream in recognition

Listening to the album at night, on a long car journey, the day before I split up with my girlfriend at the time.... the songs took on a new meaning after that

Keep On Rockin'

Sometimes you can just lay down
You can play the game
You can take the cards that they deal ya
And you can just pretend it's all over
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