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Old 08-30-2004, 04:13 AM
RyanBounce04 RyanBounce04 is offline
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Default Review: 7800 Fahrenheit

Alright, you know what to do... Listen to the CD... Give a review, or just the thoughts that pop out. Enjoy!

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Old 08-30-2004, 09:42 AM
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I love this cd!
It's a little bit sad, perfect to listen on when you're down. And just want to feel that anyone has feeled the same.
It's really hard to give Fahrenheit a good review, 'cause it "means" so much to me that I can't explain it in words.
And that is what does Fahrenheit so lovely and special!
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Old 08-30-2004, 09:56 AM
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I think it's quite an underrated album and I listen to it quite often. I can sorta understand why some BJ fans don't like it so much cause the songs arn't as catchy or radio friendly but I personally like the fact that BJ has an album like this in their catalogue (though I still prefer NJ and SWW). Something a bit more raw and heavy and less commercial.

The best tracks for me are In and Out of Love, Only Lonely, Silent Night, Tokyo Road, Hardest Part and Secret Dreams. There are a few filler tracks but its pretty solid overall.

The production is very 80's and not as slick as their later efforts. I like the dark, smokey feel of the album and the band create pretty good atmosphere with songs like Tokyo Road.

Richies guitar playing is amazing as always and he has some great solos. The drums on the album are very loud which is good but sometimes need to sound a bit sharper and not so boofy. Jon's voice is strong and he does a great job.

Overall I'd put this album in their top 5. It's grown a lot on me over the past year or so and I think it never really got the attention it deserved. They should give songs like Bad name a rest in their live show and bring back some of the tracks off this album. I can't really see that happening though.
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Old 08-30-2004, 02:06 PM
DaveyShoes DaveyShoes is offline
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I have to admit that I rarely listen to 7800...I don't think that it has dated too well and the production is a little shoddy, but some of the songs are definite indicators of the band's great potential...the two tracks that stand out above the rest are Tokyo Road and Hardest Part of the Night - strong melodies, good lyrics and exceptional guitar playing. There's certainly a dark edge to many of the songs which I find appealing - The Price of Love, Only Lonely and Silent Night are solid tracks, full of drama and heartbreak. While none of the songs are in the same league as those on Slippery and its succesors, there's a definite progression from the first album evident in the songwriting. I honestly don't think that there are many bad tracks on the record, just too many mediocre ones. I've never been a fan of In and Out of Love, even though it seems to be the only track on the record that the band have given much recognition to in recent years. King of the Mountain, To The Fire and Secret Dreams are decent enough efforts...but I think the album overall is a good example of a band still trying to find its feet.
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Old 08-31-2004, 12:36 AM
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I don't think it's as good as the first album. They're a few good tracks such as In and Out Of Love, Tokyo Road and Silent Night, but I find many of the other tracks pretty average. I would give it around 6 out of 10. It's on a par with Bounce really, not Bon Jovi's best work.

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Old 08-31-2004, 01:11 AM
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In my opinion this is the most underrated albums this band has put out.

It's bigget quality is it's UNITY. You listen to it and you realize every single song belongs on that disc.
Than the bass which is phenomenal.Maybe KTF has better bass parts.You can hear it during the whole record and it gives the songs a strange feel.A bit darker but not only.Sometimes the bass just seems to miss in BJ songs. On this album it's all over the place.
Guitars and drumms.Wow.What a great rythm part this album has. The drums are fast and pretty agressive.They are louder than on any other BJ album, a thing that makes the album more METAL and the combination with the noise riffs is just perfect.
The keyboards have a complementary role on most of the tracks.Still I think they have a big role in reating the atmosphere this album inspires.You can hear them here and there louder but they have mainly another effect.
The guitar solos make you just want to bang your head.Fast and straight to the point. I guess the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal bands had a pretty big infuence on Richie at that time.
The vocals are just over the top.The screams are amazing and all in all you can hear a more mature voice much superior to the one on Bon Jovi.
The lyrics have alos improved a lot still they are the weakpoint of the album.

I love this album.It's definetly Bon jovi's most heavy record and I also consider it the msot underrated album of the 80.As i said, the lyrics are not good enaugh but the other thing that misses is at least one OUTSTANDING song, one that every single Bon Jovi album had before and after 7800.
If I would have to give it a mark on a scale from 1 to 10 it would be a 8.5.
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Old 08-31-2004, 12:47 PM
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Probably the heaviest album, definetly the rawest. The album that the Bon Jovi boys themselves don't like (that's why they don't play anything off it live anymore), and I think generally seen to be their worst album. I have no idea why, I think it's a great development + improvement of the first album. Both this and the debut had a grittier, heavier, more grounded feel I'd say than later albums, although it did resurface a bit on the 90's albums.

Heavy, raw, pounding, melodic rock is the order of the day here. It seems to tread a line between being dark tinged, and still appearing more youthful than later albums. I feel the vocals are still not quite right, it might be just down to the production but Jon's voice is awful at times, sounding cheesy, whiny, or far too young. At other times his voice is great, but it's a bit hit and miss really. The Jon/Richie harmonies still haven't been discovered, and infact I can't think of any moments of interesting backing vocals. Jon has some good rock screams throughout the album though, and at times his voice really does add an almost metal feel. As does Richie's guitar, some great riffing and pure metal / headbanging solos. I've heard the bass is very good, but I've never noticed it, I'd imagine it does contribute a lot to the atmosphere though. As does the fantastically heavy drumming. Dave's synthesiser playing, while adding a lot to the atmosphere, sounds a tad dodgy at times, and gives it a very 80's feel, which I suppose can be good or bad depending on whether you like 80's music or not! It does make it sound a tad dated however. Sounds a little like they're trying to be Europe or something.

Lyrically it isn't amazing, but it does I think feature the most different people contributing to the songwriting, including both Tico and Dave, and a few outsider writers. One thing I have noticed is how the lyrics sound a little agressive, the amount of references to guns and bombs illustrates that. Some great songs, some not so good songs, its a little hit and miss. But I agree with DevilsSon, the lack of any truly outstanding songs lets it down a little.

Man, this is a long review! Right, a track by track thing, as I have some spare time on my hands:

In & Out Of Love: The most well known song off the album. Pretty good opening track, sets the tone for the album, fairly heavy riffs, drumming, and screaming. A rock song, not deep or anything, just straight ahead a 'lets rock' song. Lyrics about touring and playing lots of shows, I guess. A bomb reference "Young and wired, set to explode in the heat". Also the first use of the adlibbing which would be used in later songs on later albums, make for quite an amusing ending.

Price Of Love: The riff! The riff in this song is fantastic! As is the solo, the drumming, especially building up to the solo. The song slams in at a fantastic pace, its well sung, it rocks, the lyrics are a tad more developed than the previous song, its well written. Some great screaming vocals, fantastic heavy guitar, I love this song. Easily one of the albums best.

Only Lonely: Is it a very heavy ballad or just a slow heavy rock song? Either way, its great. Great guitar and drums..... some of the vocals are a bit dodgy though, as are the synthesisers at the beginning. Its very well written though, both the pre-chorus and the bridge are fantastic. A bomb reference "I've got this time bomb ticking in my head" Good lyrics, and a powerful chorus too. Another of the albums best.

King Of The Mountain: A great little riff, quite a good song, with a fairly powerful lyrical message, but it lacks just a little something which would make it great. I'm not sure what.

Silent Night: Probably the only real emotional song on the album. A harder ballad than most of their later ones, its the hopelessness and atmosphere of it which makes it good. The vocals are good, especially on the "Just turn and walk away" lines. Nice guitar, synthesisers acting as strings... not really sure whether I like them or not. A gun reference: "Held up in love without a gun". A good song.

Tokyo Road: Most people like this, I think it's a tad boring. It sounds a bit like In And Out Of Love, I feel. The guitar is good, and soem of the lyrics are alright, but I dunno, the pace is kind of wrong. Two bits of it I think are fantastic though, the intro with a music box playing a Japanese nursery rhyme, and the bridge, with lyrics about a prostitute, both of which are very atmospheric.

Hardest Part Is The Night: Gloriously heavy riff, fantastic building up guitar solo, great vocals and lyrics, a moment of dodgy synthesisers, but they're over pretty quickly. And the icing on the cake is the fantastic vocal part from Jon in the last 20 seconds or so. Another of the albums best moments.

Always Run To You: Hmmmmm. This ones not so great. I like the first line: "The clock strikes ten out on the streets again", and the first line of the chorus: "I stand accused", but I'm not crazy about the rest of it. The main part of the chorus is very whiny, I feel.

To The Fire: Astoundingly atmospheric, I actually really like the synthesiser sounds here. A nice guitar solo, great vocals (rock screams!) and a fantastically powerful chorus. Really like this one, very underrated song.

Secret Dreams: No. Don't like it. Incredibly whiny, and nothing really to save it. The introduction is alright, but it all goes downhill from there. A gun reference in the first line: "Riding high, then shot down, I load my guns to fire another round. Thats about it.

Overall then, a great, heavy album. High on atmosphere, but low on emotion. An album to rock to really. The direction changed from here on, but this album still remains an underrated classic. I'll give it 8/10

Man, sorry this review was so long!

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Old 08-31-2004, 01:42 PM
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This has been one of my favourite BJ albums from the first time I heard it. My kids generally cringe when I play it..."Mum, it's soo tinny sounding" etc...but they forget they are trying to compare the sound of an album produced in 1985 to what they hear now, not taking into consideration the changes to recording techniques since then. I hear it for what it is and don't attempt comparisons. I think it's a bit of a shame that the band themselves sort of cringe at it too...perhaps it's because it harks back to a time when they were all miserable and love lorn...reminds them of a time they didn't enjoy much. A shame because the emotion in the songs, both lyrically and musically is very powerful.

To The Fire: Astoundingly atmospheric, I actually really like the synthesiser sounds here. A nice guitar solo, great vocals (rock screams!) and a fantastically powerful chorus. Really like this one, very underrated song.
Couldn't have written that better....this is one song on the album that I return to over and over...this, Silent Night & The Hardest Part is The Night. And Walrus got it right with the description 'atmospheric'....I really would loved to have heard these songs live back in the 80's. [I wouldn't mind hearing them live now btw - cepts, to be honest, I'm not sure Jon's voice would hold those screams..JMO]

The imminent explosion that would be Slippery When Wet is very evident in this album.

My all time fav. album by anyone is KTF - as far as BJ albums specifically go, this sits equally with SWW and NJ at 2nd. spot. [9/10]

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Old 09-01-2004, 02:00 AM
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I'm not gonna do a full blown review here, but I'll just give a summary.

As many of you have said, this is a deffinately underrated album. I'm not sure whether the band doesn't play it because they don't like the album or because Jon's voice couldn't take it. There are definately a lot of rock screams on there.

My favorite tracks are In and Out of Love, Only Lonely, Tokyo Road, and The Hardest Part is the Night. I like the chorus to Secret Dreams, too.

I was listening to it at camp with another guy and he asked me, "Who is this, Aerosmith?"

"No," I said, "It's early Bon Jovi. 1985."

He listened to a few songs and made this conlusion: "These guys suck."

I felt so crushed. Sure it's not as smooth or advanced as Slippery, but it's an album I turn to whenever I have a craving to bang my head.
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Old 09-03-2004, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Calyx
I think it's quite an underrated album and I listen to it quite often. I can sorta understand why some BJ fans don't like it so much cause the songs arn't as catchy or radio friendly but I personally like the fact that BJ has an album like this in their catalogue (though I still prefer NJ and SWW). Something a bit more raw and heavy and less commercial.

The best tracks for me are In and Out of Love, Only Lonely, Silent Night, Tokyo Road, Hardest Part and Secret Dreams. There are a few filler tracks but its pretty solid overall.

The production is very 80's and not as slick as their later efforts. I like the dark, smokey feel of the album and the band create pretty good atmosphere with songs like Tokyo Road.

Richies guitar playing is amazing as always and he has some great solos. The drums on the album are very loud which is good but sometimes need to sound a bit sharper and not so boofy. Jon's voice is strong and he does a great job.

Overall I'd put this album in their top 5. It's grown a lot on me over the past year or so and I think it never really got the attention it deserved. They should give songs like Bad name a rest in their live show and bring back some of the tracks off this album. I can't really see that happening though.
same as you
i listen to runaway and this album quite often

i like their raw sound also like the sound in 90's
loud drum with heavy guitar riff and fast solo
also jon singing strong

especial song like (i don't wanna fall)to the fire with the powerful beat
it's very good

i don't understand why this album is crap and it's said by jon

they don't like to play the heavy song now?
or they think people or fans don't this kind of sounds now?

at least
i think silent night is a great song that should be play even they don't want to play heavy stuff anymore
and also get ready from runaway

(bad english,pls don't mind )
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7800° fahrenheit, review

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