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Old 08-31-2004, 02:11 AM
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In my opinion this is the most underrated albums this band has put out.

It's bigget quality is it's UNITY. You listen to it and you realize every single song belongs on that disc.
Than the bass which is phenomenal.Maybe KTF has better bass parts.You can hear it during the whole record and it gives the songs a strange feel.A bit darker but not only.Sometimes the bass just seems to miss in BJ songs. On this album it's all over the place.
Guitars and drumms.Wow.What a great rythm part this album has. The drums are fast and pretty agressive.They are louder than on any other BJ album, a thing that makes the album more METAL and the combination with the noise riffs is just perfect.
The keyboards have a complementary role on most of the tracks.Still I think they have a big role in reating the atmosphere this album inspires.You can hear them here and there louder but they have mainly another effect.
The guitar solos make you just want to bang your head.Fast and straight to the point. I guess the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal bands had a pretty big infuence on Richie at that time.
The vocals are just over the top.The screams are amazing and all in all you can hear a more mature voice much superior to the one on Bon Jovi.
The lyrics have alos improved a lot still they are the weakpoint of the album.

I love this album.It's definetly Bon jovi's most heavy record and I also consider it the msot underrated album of the 80.As i said, the lyrics are not good enaugh but the other thing that misses is at least one OUTSTANDING song, one that every single Bon Jovi album had before and after 7800.
If I would have to give it a mark on a scale from 1 to 10 it would be a 8.5.
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