Originally Posted by Butters
I agree that Lost Highway is a great record. The first half of the album is superb and while the second half is probably a bit weaker, .
I worked for Universal when this came out and I got it two weeks early and what I thought then is what I think now and thats after Any Other Day the album drops off a cliff for me.
I really like the bonus tracks - Put the Boy and walk like a man as they really do sound country and end the album well after a massive lull.
I dont like the way JBJ sings the word Broken on Everybodys broken...Brokeeeeeeeeeeen - ruins a decent song.
I liked the fact they tried something different, Im all for bands who have been together a long time and have a big catalogue trying that (but never something like TLFR!!)
The trouble with the album is that JBJ loved it and a lot of songs have been played to death live over a decade.
He thinks that Lost Highway and Whole Lot of leavin combo works well live and it never has. It kills the energy.
WGIGO - Strangely I dont mind that song - again, something different - but does it deserve to be in every live show until recently? No.
Till we aint strangers is just yuk.
I love Make A Memory and Id say its their best ballad since Always.
A 6.5/10 for me.