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Old 10-24-2020, 01:10 AM
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Originally Posted by angelsambo View Post
Jon Bon Jovi Has Had a Hard Year, Too

''Who is the record for?

Me! [laughs] For me. I did this record to get back to the reason why I wanted to do it again. I’d been going through a tough period. In light of what happened with Richie and his kids, his leaving us like that, and not staying to talk. It was very hard for all of us. And it took its toll on me.
The band is a family inasmuch as we had grown up together, done everything together, we had ups and downs, but we never deserted the ship. Whether it was work, or the death of parents or divorces or fame or confusion. We had alcoholism, it got to the point where we had to make decisions that weren’t in the interests of the band, that was for sure.

And so anyhow we came through it. And This House Is Not for Sale [the first release after Sambora left the band] was a kind of waving my fists in the air, saying “I refuse to let my house crumble,” but it’s tough finding people who want to go out there and then showing them how to play the songs and write the songs and have something to say.
It certainly wasn't going to be a big pop record because I’m just not in that place. So then I needed to get in touch with that gift that I have for writing songs. So I’ve worked very hard, whether it was on the record or lately on myself or my relationship with Tito and Dave, so that we got stronger as a unit. And it turned out to be really great, because we got tighter and as a result we felt we, the collective we, did no wrong.

In a strange way my forgiveness for Richie allowed me to grow, and David to grow, and Tito to grow into who we are today. Because we were forced down a different road. You don’t blame someone for that, you sort of have to say thank you, because it helps you continue your little journey. Sometimes someone has to get off an exit in order for you to continue this journey.
There was no fourth leg on the table. And by the way, we had 80 more shows left on that tour. But we did it. And it was very successful.''
So there we have it, Richie had another secret kid (at least one) all this while
Also, what an odd way to "be a unit" to leave your "brothers" out of the album cover, how convenient! I think the dollar obsessed junkies in GnR/Motley Crue can tout the phony "brother" moniker more convincingly where every "brother" gets sort of an equal footing. Surely, there isn't gonna be any album cover with just Vince or Axl on the cover/music video/thumbail/promo etc. And don't say "oh its coz only Jon's face and image sells" which is quite evidently false. Its a dead horse that I'll flog, but huge props to Richie for quitting! You say he's replaceable and dispensable? There you go, replace him and be content. When he played those solos, you proclaimed he was " the heavyweight champion of the world", "the king of swing" and so forth. When he quit, he became less significant than The Edge (of all people).
Apropos to "The band is a family in as much as we had grown up together, done everything together, we had ups and downs, but we never deserted the ship": That just sounds like the Mafia, an analogy which Jon sort of enjoys referring to. As long as you're the mob boss, its a family. As soon as someone goes rogue, you take him out. Because it'd just destroy the don's ego & perception to God forbid, request/hear out the fallen Underboss. He can't be seen as going soft (What about the pansy democrat party OST he's been churning out though?). Sorry Jon, the only parallel to a make believe mob tale that applies here is that like Tony Soprano, you too need therapy.

Last edited by rickysambo; 10-24-2020 at 09:23 PM..