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Old 08-02-2018, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by danfan View Post
Sad, but I'm glad they broke up. Their music sucked, and now, there's maybe a possibility that he'll come back (if Jon will take him) where he belongs. I'm so over Phil.
Yeah, I have a feeling that they pretty much settled their issues over the HoF ceremony.

Jon knows how to make money and he is aware that, especially in Europe, they'd sell better with Richie back on board.

I don't mind Phil, I'd rather have him drop Shanks from the touring staff. Let Phil play the "solos" on the newer stuff and Richie the classics, that would work for me.

And there was a recent interview with Shanks posted here (about 3 hours long) and he mentioned somehwere that you have to do that touring thing at some point to become more musically accomplished, but that it's not what thrives him and I can't imagine him being too eager to keep touring with the band until the end of their days.