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Old 11-14-2018, 05:51 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by YOVANAfromPeru View Post
JBJ (a couple weeks ago)."... It was the first time we saw him again. He never called, never explained what happened..."
So riddle me this.

According to Jon, version n.0, the Rock Hall (rehearsal, I presume) was the first time anybody in the band had seen Richie since the Lubbock show. And the last time anybody in the band talked with him was when Richie called Jon from Hawaii and said he'd like to fly up from Cali on show day. And Richie "never called, never explained what happened."

So, knowing Richie's history, did Jon and David just assume, like most everybody else has, that the only possible reason Richie just didn't show up in Calgary had to be his addictions, because 'that's what addicts do'? Or did they, too, hear it from somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who...? Telepathy? 1-900-Psychics-R-Us? I'm open to suggestions...

And why did Jon tell People, in Nov 2016, that "nobody expected Richie to quit in the middle of the night"?

But in the wee hours of the night before they were to take the stage, “I got a phone call in our room from Paul Korzilius, our manager. He never calls my room. I go ‘Oh no,’ and he says ‘Yep.’” Sambora would not make that night’s show — or any others since...

“That’s the story,” says Bon Jovi. “There was no fight or money issues, like the reports say. Nobody expected Richie to quit in the middle of the night for no reason..."

Last edited by JackieBlue; 11-14-2018 at 06:15 AM..