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Old 07-26-2005, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by RyanBounce04
Originally Posted by CATHCO
Originally Posted by Rob
It was simply made to sell and sell it did. A very good pop/rock album.


Overall it gets 4/5. It's a good party album and makes you want to party your ass off when you hear it. When listening to the album you can just picture the band on tour having loads of fun with booze and women, and it makes you want to be a part of it. Perhaps one of the most "fun" albums that I own.
I enjoyed reading your review. Thanks!

-Cathy :- )

Hehehe.... I agree with it totally... Though it's not my favorite album by them... It most certainly is the most entertaining.

...and I agree with that.

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Old 07-29-2005, 12:26 AM
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I think SWW was the album the band found "thier sound". Richie started using the natural harmonics on his solos and a few of his other "signature licks" for the first time. SWW was the album where Jon and Richie really started to get their vocal harmonies together. Which IMO is something that defines the sound of the band. The one two punch of their vocals on songs like Wanted and Never Say Goodbye are so powerful that it takes the song to another place. The whole album is great from start to finish.
It's hard me to give it a rating or rank in with the other albums because for me the band have released such a wide array of music that I mostly listen to whatever best suits my mood. If I want party music or a great album to jam along with then this one always gets spun.
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Old 07-29-2005, 12:26 AM
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Old 07-29-2005, 01:30 AM
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SWW is great and really announced the band as a great rock group.

However its not the bands best album at all IMO. I'd rank New Jersey and Keep the Faith above it in terms of quality and quantity. Dry County alone blows away anything on SWW in terms of anything you could break a song down into.
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Old 07-29-2005, 02:36 AM
glaubersambora glaubersambora is offline
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Let it rock - 4/5
Bad Name - 5/5
Prayer - 4/5
Social Disease - 4/5
Wanted - 4/5
Raise Your Hands - 5/5
Without Love - 0/5
I´d Die for you - 5/5
Never Say Goodbye - 4/5
Wild in the Streets - 3/5

the album is 4/5 IMO...
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Old 07-29-2005, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic
Aloha !

Slippery When Wet is a great album when your looking for some loud, fun rock and roll but it really is nothing more then that. 3 Stars.
You're really about the only reviewer who'd give that album 3 stars.

Slippery When Wet is what Bon Jovi is about, and what Bon Jovi does best. No cheesy ballads just for the sake of being a ballad, no cheesy storytelling songs to try to prove the world how good they are in telling stories and no rock songs that aren't rock songs. The fact that they did no trying to be anything, but just were what they are makes this album stand above any of the albums that would follow after These Days.

Everything on this album oozes rock & roll and proves that it's not necessary to write deep lyrics or difficult melodies to make great music. As close as Bon Jovi is to being at what they do best, as far off are they on Bounce and Crush.

Salaam Aleikum,
I couldn't agree more. This is why every 'new' Bon Jovi album is compared to this one.
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Old 07-29-2005, 07:03 PM
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I think Slippery When Wet is the best album of 80's and the best BJ album... Prayer, Bad Name and Wanted in the same album! that's all...
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Old 07-29-2005, 09:32 PM
Lexus_Cages Lexus_Cages is offline
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There are essentially 3 eras to Bon Jovi

1) The party band years of SWW & NJ

2) The golden years (imo) of KTF & TD

3) Post TD Where they're "trying" to recapture the sucess of the party band.

I discovered BJ in the 90's and the first thing I heard was My Guitar Lies Bleedin'. It floored me in so many ways, it was so deep and moody, epic sounding, great musicianship. So my love of them primarily comes from the "serious" anthems they've done between 92-96

However goin back on myself and discovering the SWW & NJ I found the other side to them, when they were just big hair and fun. I can enjoy this to a degree but even so I still love the songs where you can see the potential for whats to come later. Prayer, Bad Name, Wanted are all classic classic songs that of course invented the BJ signature but they also had a depth that the rest of the album for the most part doesn't have. I still think they're good songs but I dont connect to it in the same way.

I appreciate the commercial sucess they had with it and understand why people who grew up with them in that era love that the most, its what you identify with. But for me Bon Jovi always epitomised the "mega stars" of rock, even in the 90's.

You see in Europe, and the UK espeically they were still super-stars back around 92-96 where you could quite easily say at the time one of the biggest bands on the plannet. This was the time of Always mania and the Crossroads phenomenom. I think there was some survey where people were asked around then what they had in the CD colleciton and it was a shocklingly high % of people in the country that had Crossroads, well that and Eric Claptons Unplugged that was of similar scale back then. I know they went through a resurresction in the US somewhat with Crush in 2000 but still wasn't on near the scale that they were at in Europe in the 90's

Maybe cause KTF and TD wern't as sucessful in the US SWW is still heralded as high as it is over there. It truly is a classic rock album and very comercially sucesfull but as for DEFINING Bon jovi I think its only a scrap of the surfcae of what they are about, or capable of.

The modern era of trying to artificially recapture that success works like 20% of the time and its cool but the rest just leaves me sad feeling like that heartfelt song writing of the 90's has made way to 3.5 minute "hit writing", but doing so in a way that makes them still relevent.

It's a double edged sword, if they didnt then they would be able to continue touring on the scale they do, and maybe would have to change to a smaller label and such...the big boys wont fund even the super-stars for very long these days if the hits aren;t coming in. But at the same time we kind of lose some of the integrity that was built up with the 90's work.

We'll see what the future holds, but I think that SWW will never be topped in terms of sales or popularity, maybe because its always the compared to it lol

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