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Old 10-21-2010, 02:51 PM
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Default Spanish Rolling Stone magazine

I don´t know if you could translate it to understand the article,but if you don´t,this is pathetic.The spanish version of the magazine it´s always against the band,despising them but today is the limit.

¿Se merece Bon Jovi el premio ‘Icono Global’ de la MTV?
La cadena musical entregará el galardón en una gala en Madrid por ser “una de las bandas de rock más queridas y con mayor influencia durante los últimos 30 años”. Presentamos cinco razones por las que esta es una decisión equivocada. Por Ivar Muñoz-Rojas
¿Se merece Bon Jovi el premio ‘Icono Global’ de la MTV?
“Es indudable que Bon Jovi ha alcanzado un estatus icónico a nivel mundial como una de las bandas de rock más conocidas, más queridas y con mayor influencia durante los últimos 30 años". Con estas palabras se refiere el Vicepresidente Ejecutivo del área de Música y Talento de MTV, Bruce Gillmer, al grupo que recibirá el premio ‘Icono Global’ en Madrid, el próximo 7 de noviembre, en una gala que organiza en España la cadena de música que encabeza este magnate. Éste argumenta que el galardón, el primero que da la marca multinacional en su historia, se le brinda a los de Nueva Jersey porque, en sus palabras, “durante años, MTV y Bon Jovi han brindado a sus seguidores experiencias únicas e increíbles”. La banda vendrá a la capital para recoger este reconocimiento de espíritu tan grande como abierto. Pero, ¿es merecido? Aquí damos cinco argumentos en contra de esta decisión.

1. Sus mejores momentos fueron hace casi 30 años. Lo vimos en su paso por el festival Rock in Rio Madrid 2010, el pasado junio: un concierto de Bon Jovi ahora es como Jacuzzi al pasado, esa película en la que unos colegas de pronto se ven en un inesperado viaje a los 80. Esto es: cuando la banda ataca en vivo con Runaway o Bad medicine -aquellos éxitos de los ochenta llenos de laca, energía y buenas melodías– los gritos del público se quintuplican; cuando interpretan canciones recientes los espectadores se apagan. Bon Jovi quedó desligado de la realidad y del presente en el mismo momento que se cortó las greñas para su álbum Keep the faith, de 1992.

2. Tienen canciones demasiado parecidas entre sí. Vale, durante los 90 Bon Jovi se mantuvo en las listas de ventas, dirán los más talibanes en esta materia, pero siempre fue la balada meliflua la que en aquella etapa dio éxito al grupo (y algo de cirugía, habrá que suponer). ¿Cuántos serían capaces de diferenciar Bed of roses de Always, sus mayores éxitos de entonces, en cinco segundos? Porque, además de melodramáticas y eternas, sus baladas son muy parecidas entre sí. Y no vale mencionar como ejemplo de éxito movido, revitalizante y reciente a It’s my life, de su álbum Crush: marcha tiene, pero ya cuenta con diez años y su arranque, con vocoder (el cacharro que robotiza la voz humana), es calcado al de Livin’ on a prayer, su mayor éxito (catorce años más joven).

3. Decir que te gusta Bon Jovi es marginal. Con esta banda de maduros pasa como con antiguos súper ventas como Roxette, Bryan Adams o, a nivel nacional, Modestia Aparte: los tiempos cambiaron (como decían en uno de sus mayores éxitos Celtas Cortos, otros que entrarían en esta categoría), y Bon Jovi dejó de tener un halo molón hace mucho. Un ejemplo material: en H&M podemos comprar camisetas con aire vintage de otras glorias como Guns N’ Roses, Motörhead o Madonna; no de nuestros protagonistas, en cambio. Aquel teorema de que en la moda todo es cíclico se rompe con Bon Jovi y sus 120 millones de discos vendidos. Por cierto, ¿cuántas bandas actuales mencionan a Bon Jovi como una influencia principal?

4. El 50% del grupo sigue siendo desconocido para las masas. Bon Jovi es un claro ejemplo de metonimia, aquella figura lingüística con la que convertimos la parte por el todo (por ejemplo, decimos lavar el coche cuando nos referimos a su carrocería). Al igual que no sabemos si Jarabe de Palo es Pau Donés o la banda de éste, o si Revolver es lo mismo o no que Carlos Goñi, para muchos no iniciados Bon Jovi es sinónimo de su rubiales y guaperas cantante, Jon Bon Jovi, de 48 años. Y esto es un error: detrás de este nombre hay cinco personas. Aunque cierto es que Tico Torres (57, batería) o David Bryan (48, teclista), que han estado en las filas del grupo desde sus inicios, se podrían pasear tranquilamente, y en hora punta, por la Gran Vía madrileña sin que nadie les reconociese. Y eso no es propio de un icono.

5. Son el peor icono de la historia. Y hablando de iconos: el símbolo que representa a la banda y que sale en la portada de Have a nice day (su noveno disco con canciones nuevas, de 2005) es un sinsentido incluso mayor que, por ejemplo, el nombre de Metallica sin sus flechas (como lo presentó la banda en Load, álbum de 1996). En el vídeo musical del tema que da título a este trabajo unos adolescentes inundan, con sprays y pegatinas, su ciudad (como hicieron, pero en la realidad, los punks de Black Flag en Los Angeles, a principios de los 80). Todo acaba con un concierto desparramado, imprevisto, que sonroja un poco y que produce una sensación parecida a la de ver a tu madre con dos copas de más en Nochevieja. Y eso tampoco es digno de un icono.
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Old 10-21-2010, 03:09 PM
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That is extremely laughable! I just did a quick google translate and got the most of it.

Here is a summary of their arguement...

5 Reasons why Bon Jovi should'nt get the MTV Global Icon Award.

1. "His best moments were 30 years ago"

2. "Songs are too similar to each other"
Ok this one is granted, but the example used in the article is "How many would be able to differentiate Always and Bed of roses" ... They are completely different songs!

3. "Say you like Bon Jovi is marginal"
Not 100% on what the point is... the translation is a bit too muddled for me. Something to do with album sales.

4. "50% of the group remains unknown to the masses"
True, but this can be said about many bands... U2, Guns N Roses etc.

5. "They are the worst icon ever"
This is where it really gets funny. The author uses his/her own opinion on the band as a valid reason why they arent worthy of the award. They go onto to mention how crap the HAND album cover is as well as the film clip for it - which also why the band arent worthy of the award


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Old 10-21-2010, 03:09 PM
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Here is the aprox translation of this is:

Does Bon Jovi deserve the prize ' Global Icon ' of the MTV?
The music channel will deliver the award in a show in Madrid for being " one of the more dear bands of rock and with major influence during the last 30 years ". Let's sense beforehand five reasons for which this one is a wrong decision. For Ivar Muñoz-Rojas

Does Bon Jovi deserve the prize ' Global Icon ' of the MTV?
" It is undoubted that Bon Jovi has reached a status icónico worldwide as one of the bands of rock more known, more dear and with major influence during the last 30 years ". With these words there says the Executive Vice-president of the area of Music and Talent of MTV, Bruce Gillmer, to the group that will receive the prize ' Global Icon ' in Madrid, next November 7, in a show that organizes in Spain the chain of music that this magnate heads. This one argues that the award, the first one that gives the multinational brand in his history, is offered to those of New Jersey because, in his words, " for years, MTV and Bon Jovi have offered to his followers the only and incredible experiences ". The band will come to the capital to gather this recognition of spirit so big as opened. But, is it deserved? Here we give five arguments in opposition to this decision.

1. His better moments were almost 30 years ago. We it saw in his step along the festival Rock in Rio Madrid 2010, last June: Bon Jovi's concert now is like A Jacuzzi to the past, this movie in which a few colleagues suddenly meet in an unexpected trip to the 80. This is: when the band attacks live with Runaway or Bad medicine - those successes of eighty abundances of lacquer, energy and good melodies - the shouts of the public quintuple; when they interpret recent songs the spectators go out. Bon Jovi remained untied from the reality and from the present in the same moment that cut the entanglements for his album Keep the faith, from 1992.

2. They have too similar songs between yes. It costs, during 90 Bon Jovi it was kept in the lists of sales, will say the most Taliban in this matter, but always it was the mellifluous ballad the one that in that stage gave success to the group (and of surgery, there will be necessary to suppose something). How many would be capable of differentiating Always's Bed of roses, his major successes of then, in five seconds? Because, besides melodramatic and eternal, his ballads are very seemed between yes. And it is not worth mentioning as example of blurred, revitalizing and recent success It's my life, of his album Crush: march has, but already it counts with ten years and his take-off, with vocoder (the pot that automates the human voice), is traced to that of Livin ' on to prayer, his major success (fourteen years younger).

3. Saying that you like Bon Jovi is marginal. With this band of mature it spends like with ancient super sales as Roxette, Bryan Adams or, on the national level, Modesty Separates: the times changed (as they were saying in one of his major Celtic Short successes, others that they would enter this category), and Bon Jovi stopped having a posh halo it does very much. A material example: in H*M can buy vests with air vintage of other glories as Guns N ' Roses, Motörhead or Madonna; not of our protagonists, on the other hand. That theorem of which in the mode everything is cyclical breaks with Bon Jovi and his 120 million sold discs. Certainly, how many current bands mention Bon Jovi as a principal influence?

4. 50 % of the group continues being a stranger for the masses. Bon Jovi is a clear example of metonymy, that one figures linguistics with which we turn the part for everything (for example, we say to wash the car when we refer to his auto body). As we do not know if Syrup of Stick is Pau Donés or the band of this one, or if Revolver is the same thing or not that Carlos Goñi, for many not initiated Bon Jovi is synonymous of his rubiales and gorgeous singer, 48-year-old Jon Bon Jovi. And this is a mistake: behind this name there are five persons. Though certain it is that Costa Rican You Toast (57, battery) or David Bryan (48, teclista), that have been in the rows of the group from his beginnings, might be walked calmly, and in rush hour, along the Great Route of Madrid without nobody was recognizing them. And it is not own of an icon

5. They are the worst icon of the history. And speaking about icons: the symbol that it represents to the band and that goes out in Have's front page to nice day (his ninth disc with new songs, of 2005) is an even major sinsentido that, for example, Metallica's name without his arrows (the band presented since it in Load, album of 1996). In the musical video of the topic that gives title to this work a few teenagers flood, with sprays and stickers, his city (since they did, but in the reality, Black Flag's punks in The Angels, at the beginning of the 80). Everything finishes with a spread, unforeseen concert, which blushes a bit and which produces a sensation similar to her of seeing your mother with two glasses of more in New Year's Eve. And it is not worthy of an icon either.
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Old 10-21-2010, 04:52 PM
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They were probably going to give it to Michael Jackson, but he's too crazy and too dead. And BJ certainly deserves it more than a video whore like Madonna, who would never have had a career if MTV hadn't existed.

And keep in mind that BJ hasn't had the best of relationships with Rolling Stone. Jon has complained about their putting only him on the cover when he was promised that the entire band would be--so much for their complaints about the rest of the band being unknown.

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 10-21-2010 at 04:57 PM..
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Old 10-21-2010, 05:17 PM
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The argument is stupid. Bon Jovi have been consistently topping the album / single and touring charts in Europe since the Mid 80's.

This 'journalist' is just using the EMAs as an excuse to view their own hatred of the band.
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Old 10-21-2010, 05:32 PM
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better not to talk about this story and bury it, because if some U.S. media is informed, could publish this controversy and threatening the possible induction to the hall of fame.
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Old 10-21-2010, 06:34 PM
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if that person is a "journalist", I´m the Pope.

It´s clear he attacks the band without solid arguments because BJ songs don´t fit him. SHAME GUY
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Old 10-21-2010, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Savvi View Post
1. "His best moments were 30 years ago"
That's why you should never trust google, yes you can get the overall meaning but this is not correct.

They said "Sus" which means "Their".

I'm about to read the rest of it.

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Old 10-21-2010, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Savvi View Post
4. "50% of the group remains unknown to the masses"
True, but this can be said about many bands... U2, Guns N Roses etc.
Yes but when people refer to U2 they usually say U2 or they, I have never heard once people calling the band as Bono or he - they may not know the names of the rest of the members fine but with Bon Jovi those who are no fans call them "He" and this is something which used to annoyed me big time.

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Old 10-21-2010, 08:12 PM
tigrs99 tigrs99 is offline
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Originally Posted by VanJovi View Post
Yes but when people refer to U2 they usually say U2 or they, I have never heard once people calling the band as Bono or he - they may not know the names of the rest of the members fine but with Bon Jovi those who are no fans call them "He" and this is something which used to annoyed me big time.
Well JBJ never stop any media when they refer the band as him it satisfies his ego
BJ is the exception among bands where people refer band as he rather than them
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