Thread: The last tour
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Old 06-14-2021, 10:25 AM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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Here are two aspects that a future album could have. Have half of the songs considered for live performance, and the other half have all the studio tricks to create some monstrous songs but never will be play live shows. Bon Jovi, like other bands / artists are not required to play the entire album live. I think that hybrid would please everyone. We have always talked about the change of producer, for someone who gives the sound of Bon Jovi a new flavor. I think that would be a step forward.

There are study hacks that are worth your while, like Who Would You Die For or Luv Can. I don't care if I never listen to them live.

This is a personal request, I need a real rock album, just let the songs be guitar driven, have riffs, and some great electrifying guitar solos. You've got a guy like Phil, make a damn album out of all this, and then you can go back to pop, but at least try a rock-flavored with big guitars.

I know it will never happen, but it is something I always look forward to when it comes to a new album.

Last edited by rolo_tomachi; 06-14-2021 at 10:29 AM..
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