Thread: The last tour
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Old 06-14-2021, 04:16 PM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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Well, this is an interesting conversation. I would love for Bon Jovi to embrace the last stage of the Beatles; "focus on making studio albums and forget about touring". But we are in an era where studio albums have no relevant value and all the business is on the road. So both Jon, and we fans, are screwed. We would have to take the worst part, the touring, and I mean the worst part because Jon can't cover up all the vocal problems on the live shows.

In other times, what I propose would be the most satisfactory solution, but now I suppose that we are all screwed. Anyway, songs like Luv Can, Blood In The Water, Beautiful Drug, WWWU ... are manipulated, and are more than acceptable, I do not think it is crazy to raise a little more to get something more rocking.

For Jon to continue the journey for another 13 years would be a great challenge, but when it comes to enduring and persevering, Jon can be unstoppable. We will see what happens in the future.
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