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Old 07-14-2003, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Kathleen
OK here's a question. If someone cannot sing something the way they used to, due to age (or voice changing or whatever) should they stop singing it entirely? Or should they do the best they can.
I'm sure that's why Jon lets the audience sing the highest parts of Prayer anymore - should he drop the song entirely? Should he rearrange These Days to fit his voice now?
Believe me - it happens to everyone. Paul Simon has rearranged many songs to fit his older voice - that way he can still sing them.
I'm not trying to start an argument here but would really like to know opinions on this.

I agree Kathleen. So he can't sing the high parts anymore in some songs, but at least he tries and tries very hard. bless him!!
Besides, these days he has a vocal coach which he didn't use to have.
So maybe he was straining his voice too much in the early days without realising it? He has also said in recent interviews that he has learnt to use his voice properly now and even writes differently to incorporate that.
I think that speaks for itself really.
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