Thread: These Days
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Old 12-21-2010, 09:39 AM
sammy645 sammy645 is offline
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KTF is their penultimate album and TD is their masterpiece. For me, it is hard to split the two, but by a hare's whisker, KTF is on top. As for this past decade, well, I like Crush, I really like LH, I'm really not sure what the hype about the Circle is about [don't rate it much to be honest], HAND is okay and Bounce...well....worst album they have ever released. I get what you mean about some of the lyrics in this decades offerings, but man, by a country mile the worst has to be ...
"Bounce, Bounce Nothing's gonna keep me down
Bounce, Bounce Stand up, shout it out
Bounce, Bounce I play hard, I play to win
Count me out, count me in
I'll be bouncing back again.."

TD shows they can write seriously good shit if they've a mind to.
I like the song Bounce, it might not have the greatest lyrics, but it just fun to listen too. (the song i mean, the album is quite bad).

These Days is great no doubt about it, but i probably would put Keep the faith just a bit higher. Dry County is just that damn good.
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