Thread: These Days
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Old 12-21-2010, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Savvi View Post
Good album? Yes... but Slippery, Faith and Jersey all trump it IMO.

I'd like to think that Bon Jovi keeps reinvesting itself. People ignore the first two albums which I think are amazing. Not so much lyrically but vocally and instrumentally. So raw.

Slippery and Jersey (& Blaze & Stranger) are my masterpieces. This is when Bon Jovi were at their best commercially and the songs just ruled that error in time. Talk about great chemistry. I could listen to those albums cover to cover and never skip a song.

I like Faith and TD and love certain songs on both albums but it doesn't do it for me Cover to Cover. Jons vocals were def at his peak and song writing is incredible but for some reason I can't get through the entire album without skipping. Although I can't find a bad song. I just contradicted myself but I can't explain it.

And post 2000, we all know how that story goes. I think the difference is Jons lack of vocal range and emotion. As far as the lyrics go, I don't know. There are some great songs out there where I can't even understand the lyrics. People listen to Italian Opera and don't even know the language. IMO it comes down to lack of vocal range and emotion.

But I don’t dislike the songs. There is that fine line between good and great and I feel the band just keeps missing it. The Circle, for me, is pretty darn close but I agree, it's no TD
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