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Old 05-17-2023, 03:04 PM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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I always had 3 problems with this record. The first, Prayer 94. That song did everything right, but I found the 2003 version of Prayer bland and rather mediocre. The second is the selection of songs and that are mostly turned into ballads, slow songs. Third, Jon's voice sounds terrible.. and it's a shame, because the instrumentation and backing tracks were interesting, but Jon's voice was not good and his performance was flat most of the time.

I think the album could have been very interesting and a dream come true for many fans, if those three problems had been solved. A better selection, a greater effort to record Jon's voice and not look for flat performances. Break the rhythm, not abusing slow songs. And if you can't beat Prayer 94, just throw it in with a few slight mix changes to make it fit this project. Same feeling with the acoustic version of Born To Be My Baby recorded in the eighties.

Another thing that I found disappointing, is that Last Man Standing was not included, I remember when I heard that fragment for the radio (via Internet), and then buy the album and discover that the song was not there.

Last edited by rolo_tomachi; 05-17-2023 at 03:44 PM..
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