Thread: TLFR a flop.
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Old 01-19-2004, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by *ºÇåptäîn¤Çrä§hº*
Originally Posted by StoneDeaf
Yokohama would have been million times better, even if it was "no good"
That's exactly the point. They did not have only 4 weeks for TLFR because they had something to deliver! As they are recording every show they do have an amount of recordings they could have thrown out if it all was just about the record company who wanted them to deliver something.

No, they got the idea of TLFR and WANTED to do it this way. That's why they were in a hurry - the idea came a little late. That's all I think.
I dont think they record every show in quality good enough to release them. and if they were to release a show, I guess they'd still do plenty of overdubs and so on before putting it out.

with TLFR, they're just digging their grave, even if they wanted to. at least now they have an excuse to call it quits, since it didnt sell that well
What do you mean, I aint kind?
Im just not your kind.

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