Thread: top of the pops
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Old 09-25-2005, 09:09 PM
Krycek Krycek is offline
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Originally Posted by Jonny Sambora
They performed everyday and IML live the last couple of times they have appeared on the show. So much for "heres the band that really play"!!
Completely different. They were proper mini Bon Jovi concerts they usually do where they record a bunch of songs so whatever the singles turn out to be, they don't have to come back again and again. This was an in-studio TOTP playback performance. I thought it was funny though how Jon and co. couldn't have been any less into it.

It seems these days theres so much negativity going on in the world. I dont know maybe being a hopeless romantic or an optimist isnt fashionable but to me those stars up there were just that close,so i couldnt help but sit down with Richie and write this song and so for all the believers out there we're not a dying breed.This is called These Days~JBJ
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