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Old 09-06-2002, 08:32 AM
bounce_sucks bounce_sucks is offline
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Join Date: 06 Sep 2002
Posts: 3

I got a copy of an album today, and how can you guys say, that everyday is great song, or undivided? I've been bon jovi fan since I don't know when, it's been for quite a few years now, but I personaly think, that this is the worth album they did, I think they sold out, and got way to big for their heads, they should go back to the roots and start writing songs as they used to, in cold basment or when they were hungry, and trying to make it, now days jon just thinking of of his money, and how many records they sold, and how may records they can sell.

I know I'm going to get flamed here like no tomorrow, but I think Jon should get himself down to the ground and stop compiting with Brittny Spears, and BackStreet boys, and who ever is the flavore of the month happens to be that month
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