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Old 02-12-2024, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by liljovi93 View Post
My unpopular opinion

Fast Cars is a song I really like.

I broke it down a little on my podcast the other day and said it could be for nostalgia reasons (probably is more than anything) as that was a time in my life I loved. I was finishing school, playing PlayStation all the time with 'The Circle' album on

What a life.

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Some of the metaphors and shalalalas in Fast Cars aren't to my liking, but overall, I think it's not a bad song at all.
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Old 02-13-2024, 03:01 AM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi90 View Post
So the opening riff was Shanks emulating Phil? It sounds so like Phil but yeah, I remember he was on only like 4 songs on the album?
Yeah the 4 were, Im certain enough:

Come On Up To Our House
Born Again Tomorrow
All Hail The King

I wish he was on more of the rocky ones, he was wasted on Come on Up....
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 02-13-2024, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi90 View Post
Some of the metaphors and shalalalas in Fast Cars aren't to my liking, but overall, I think it's not a bad song at all.

I quite agree. Nothing wrong with the song itself. Cute melody, cute chorus. Nice palm muted bridge. It’s just that I find the lyrics a bit annoying.

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Old 02-13-2024, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi90 View Post
I know many people like the "rockier" songs with Phil since he joined but I can't stand his guitar tone in those. Don't get me wrong, nothing against Phil and in his solo videos, I like his tone more.
But it's always mixed so "thin and cheap" sounding with some distortion in it. I recently experimented with creating stems from the tracks and was taken aback with how it sounded. And it always sounds the same, from the Devil's In The Temple to Beautiful Drug to Let It Rain and so on.
Hoping for something different in terms of tone and sound on the new album.
I never noticed anything wrong with his tone at all, I have noticed how he relies on the volume knob a lot to either boost or back up the distortion which is wild when you can have an unlimited capacity for tones in a band like Bon Jovi. I however have always hated his talkbox sound, so thin, lacking mid range and distortion, and there's something weird in the way he "phrases" the talkbox sounds. I also hate that he's so shy and reserved when it comes to playing acoustics, when JBJ is left alone during the 1st verse for Wanted it sounds so freaking empty!! Either way, I don't want to complain about the guy too much, he's great!!....
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Old 02-13-2024, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Lak View Post
So I guess this is more of a conspiracy theory rather than unpopular opinion....

A few songs on SWW and NJ were actually written by Ghost writers and Jon/Richie had little or no involvement in them.

I'm basing my theory on this. This exact thing someone posted on twitter in response to a someone else's post on something Jovi. They were claiming to have heard from good sources that many of the songs on these two albums were written by another songwriter who was in another New Jersey rock band and wrote songs for a West Coast Rock band. This got me thinking about if this could be true or not and from listening to other songs that this song writer had written for his own band, they did strike me to be in the more in the style of Let it Rock, Raise Your Hands etc than Jon and Richie's own song writing had been for the first two albums. Then I saw an interview with Desmond Child on You Tube in which he told the story that he was offered a lot of money ($35k i think it might have been) to drop his name from You Gove Love a Bad Name and in effect be a Ghost Writer of the song). This kind of gives some credence to the theory as it shows that it was something Jovis manager was obviously be prepared to do and if there had been other writers who had co wrote or wrote for the band then they would likely have had the same type of offer!

The type of songs are on SWW are lyrically much more commercial, have a good time kind of lyrics than on the previous two albums and I therefore wonder if it hadn't been for ghost writers and Desmond Child if the band wouldn't have done something much more in keeping with the previous two albums and never have made that leap to superstardom. Certainly looking at many of the tracks that didn't make SWW, e.g. Borderline, Out of Bounds, Game of the Heart, Deep Cuts the Knife etc they are much more in the genre of not so commercial noir rock of the first two albums.

Oh and Social Disease - how the hell had Aerosmith heard this and wanted it, if it wasn't being offered around to different bands? What made them think they could have it?

Thoughts on the above theory (which would rely on people signing NDAs) much appreciated.
Hm, Raise Your Hands (as well as Homebound Train) does sound like Richie's style _post_-SWW (Good Guys Don't Always Wear White comes to mind immediately), but yeah, I get what you mean, especially about Let It Rock. Although a user on here cited Lita Ford's autobiography and explained who the lines are all about! So I don't know. It's weird how the "typical" Bon Jovi stuff indeed got way more of the shape we associate with the band after Desmond Child came in - Blood On Blood especially.

I also wonder what the hell the deal with I'd Die For You is. Did Desmond just write the new lyrics? My Slippery booklet doesn't credit him, but I think ASCAP does? And the demo has completely different lyrics. Or did he contribute the original song and JBJ&RS wrote new lyrics for a credit?
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Old 02-13-2024, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Javier View Post
I have noticed how he relies on the volume knob a lot to either boost or back up the distortion which is wild when you can have an unlimited capacity for tones in a band like Bon Jovi.
Actually, this isn't wild at all. There's a lot of guitarists who rather rely on their own play instead of relying on effects. By using the volume knob of your guitar and differing the intensity of playing the strings, you can get a lot of different (distorted) sounds without hitting any kind of pedal. The most prominent example of that style is Keith Richards.
And by saying that, I'm not putting Phil's guitar playing anywhere near Keith.
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Old 02-13-2024, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi90 View Post
I know many people like the "rockier" songs with Phil since he joined but I can't stand his guitar tone in those. Don't get me wrong, nothing against Phil and in his solo videos, I like his tone more.
But it's always mixed so "thin and cheap" sounding with some distortion in it.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Often it's some kind of mish-mash distorted sound.
I once had the problem myself when I had to many distortion pedals in line (of course, only one was activated while playing). The more pedals you put between your guitar and your amp, the more "tone excellence" you are losing.
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Old 02-14-2024, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Alphavictim View Post

I also wonder what the hell the deal with I'd Die For You is. Did Desmond just write the new lyrics? My Slippery booklet doesn't credit him, but I think ASCAP does? And the demo has completely different lyrics. Or did he contribute the original song and JBJ&RS wrote new lyrics for a credit?

I’ve given it a lot of thought, too. In 1987, Alec said in an interview that it was Desmond who brought in the ‘boy meets girl’ lyrics. (Alec probably never actually witnessed any songwriting sessions so I don’t know what his statements were based on, though. ) Desmond said in 1988 that he co-wrote 4 of the SWW songs.
My guess would be that IDFY is merely a JB/RS collaboration with not much input from Desmond. I’ve got a SWW vinyl in which the song is credited to JB/RS and on the CD booklet it’s JB/RS/DC.

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Old 02-14-2024, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Sami View Post
My guess would be that IDFY is merely a JB/RS collaboration with not much input from Desmond. I’ve got a SWW vinyl in which the song is credited to JB/RS and on the CD booklet it’s JB/RS/DC.
I'd say that missing DC off in some places is a misprint that wasn't caught. If you go onto Spotify or any streaming and look at the song writing credits for I'd Die For You it lists DC, JBJ, RS. I would expect this to be correct as it would have been compiled more recently that the CD.
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Old 02-14-2024, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
I'd say that missing DC off in some places is a misprint that wasn't caught. If you go onto Spotify or any streaming and look at the song writing credits for I'd Die For You it lists DC, JBJ, RS. I would expect this to be correct as it would have been compiled more recently that the CD.
I think that was the case. Remember that they trashed about half a million copies with the original artwork before they left the warehouse and then had to keep pumping records out because it became so popular. Even if they caught it at some stage, I'm sure they would've decided against reprinting it for a songwriters initials and hence destroying x amount of pressed releases again.
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