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Old 03-13-2017, 09:40 AM
jovifan93 jovifan93 is offline
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Dry County
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Originally Posted by DryCounty View Post
Woman In Love could be the worst Jovi song ever put out in my book. It's crazy how some of the amazing KTF outtakes where put aside for this one. There were already plenty of party/fun songs in Sleep, Blame It and Little Bit of Soul so it's not like they needed another one of those.

Can say the same thing about Social Disease. How it could replace Edge of a Broken Heart, Borderline, Lonely is the Night, Deep Cuts the Knife etc. makes no sense. Both Raise Your Hands and Wild In the Streets are fun party songs, really is no need for another one in Social Disease.
This! Woman In Love and Social Disease are just utter crap...

Considering the other two, I guess it depends on the time of your life when you first heard the songs. For me, I was 15/16 at the time, and Blame It was the perfect soundtrack to my life. And my love with Bon Jovi, which my parents didn't really understand and thought it would just go away. Thus "They say it won't last, but they misunderstood" is one of my favorite lines ever Apart from that, it's just fun, good old rock'n'roll.

I Want You I think is also great and helped me a lot during heartache times (yeah, I always listen(ed) to the tragic/dark songs in those periods )
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