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Old 07-07-2017, 10:59 PM
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Becky Becky is offline
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I think the power of Jon's appearance is vastly over estimated. Do you really think people shell out an average of $150 or so a ticket to look at him? Unless you have great seats, you might as well be looking at an ant on a runway. If someone wants to look at him, they can get a better view looking at pictures or videos online.

I think many of you underestimate the power of the songs. The audience had emotional connections to the songs formed over a period of decades. I mean, who doesn't go back in time when they hear a certain song? You attach music to memories of people and events and it's the songs that you are there for. It seems to me that many of you want to write off Jon as nothing but a pretty face. It's not a pretty face that wrote/cowrote the soundtrack of my life. Well, that's my take on it.
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