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Old 11-20-2018, 04:34 PM
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DryCounty DryCounty is offline
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Default Which member of Bon Jovi would you rather read an autobiography by?

All members (present and former) of Bon Jovi are way into their 50s approaching 60 and some are even steadily going for 70. Still there are no autobiography by any member released which may seem strange in a time where it seems quite popular.

Back to my question? Which member would rather read a career spanning book by? Who do you think would be mostly faithful to the "truth" and facts and who do you think would offer the most shocking reveals?

I think Jon's would be a good read obviously as he's the main man and I definitely think he would stick to being very honest even if it means showing himself in a bad light in certain situations. Then again I also imagine there would be a lot of dull stuff about him being a CEO, his football miseries and his acting career - stuff that at least doesn't excite me.

Richie's would probably be interesting even though I would imagine he'd stretch the truth many times concerning numbers and stuff and also exaggerate many situations. Then again it would be very interseting to read about his thoughts about standing in Jon's shadow and mostly what he really felt during the 2000s post-Shank era.

David is also someone I would like to read even though I guess Bon Jovi would only be a part of the book and a lot of stuff about his musical career and so on. But seeing him in the WWWB documentary being openly critical to how the band is run in an official band release I would very much like to read some of his frustrations as a side man over the years. I think he has a lot to say but so far very little has been.

Tico would certainly be a good read but I can't imagine him revealing any really major things. I just think he has been quite happy over his situation over the years and wouldn't be esepcially openly critical.

I included Alec as an option as I know there are a few big fans of him here. And yes, who wouldn't love to read his side of the story from 1984-1994 and also what the hell he did after? I can't see him releasing a book but it would certainly be interesting.
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