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Old 12-12-2017, 07:03 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by DryCounty View Post
To be honest his stage presence was gone even during the shows Richie played in 2013. Something happened between 2011 and 2013 with his stage presence that has nothing do with Richie (not that it helped that his best bro left the way he did though).
As I've said before, I noticed it as far back as i-Heart with both Jon and Richie. Something has been "off" between them for at least that long. And if it was noticeable in their stage presence and on-stage chemistry, I can only believe that off-stage it was even worse.

Since it was noticeable in both of them, and without knowing what the "something" was, I don't know how we can know for sure that it had nothing to do with Richie, or that it wasn't part of the reason why Richie left. It's possible that it even had something to do with why he left the way that he did.

The fact that they've both clearly been off their game since then leads me to believe that "it", whatever "it" was, may be the common denominator in the whole shebang.
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