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Old 03-19-2020, 01:56 PM
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Originally Posted by nikos greece View Post
the cost for editing mixing and mastering 4-5 concerts for the bj standards is really low...they wont have a profit ok but paying two technicians etc for 3-4 months is peanuts for jon...
The sad part is that it wouldn't take anywhere near that long to make a mix; a professional could mix a whole show in 2 days easily.

I suspect that they do desk recordings of all the shows, but not multitracks specifically. That would certainly explain the variations in quality of the THINFS shows they did release, and the lack of archive material and the constant re-use of TV and radio broadcast stuff. Or it might just be cheaper and easier.

That said, I'm sure some shows have been recorded for potential release. Seb referred to TAALS on the special edition which was a bit of a surprise at least, and I personally enjoyed it. No reason they couldn't release the whole show.
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