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Old 07-26-2008, 05:12 PM
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Becky Becky is offline
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It's My Life was the song that gave the band their first big hit in the USA since Always in 1994/1995. That song was one of the last ones written for Crush. I really think it made a huge mark on the trajectory of their career post-2000--and I don't mean just in the consistent references to living life (they've always had those)! I believe It's My Life showed that they were still viable in the marketplace and had a huge impact on their ability to tour consistently on a large scale. It reminded people of a certain age that Bon Jovi was one of those acts that they loved when they were young and won over a new audience and another generation. The timing of Crush also coincided with Jon being able to cross-promote it and U-571 (which was a top-grossing movie) so it really put his face out there in the media at the time. To me, it looks like everything came together at the right time and in the right way for them.
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