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Old 01-16-2020, 01:03 AM
efpg0708 efpg0708 is offline
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

Are you annoying? Yes.

Your endless list of youTube links constantly prove my point. For every bum note he hits, he's throwing a smile. For every bum note he hits, he's waving his arm. He's painfully aware of all his shortcomings a vocalist and tries to make it up by endless arm-waving and what-not. His insecurity is painful to look at as he overcompensates while nothing comes naturally anymore. If you honestly, after the shitloads of youTube videos you've watched and posted, can't see the difference between Jon working the stage while singing compared to Jon working the stage to hide how he can't sing anymore there's really no saving.

A good frontman fronts a band and commands the stage while doing his job. That doesn't define Jon Bon Jovi anymore and anyone who says differently has to take a reality check and go watch other frontmen who move around a lot less but still draw all attention to them anyway because they're doing the 1 thing they're supposed to do just right; sing. Everyone who's saying Jon Bon Jovi is still a great frontman is essentially saying it's great to have a goalgetter who can't score a goal but at least entertains the audience by the utterly useless tricks he can pull off.

Salaam Aleikum,

I agree with this 100%. He’s so aware and insecure due to his horrible vocals that every interaction, smile or whatever he does up there seem forced and very unnatural.

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