7 pages on a thread with a title like this, for a minute there i thought it was actually a possibility
no way they could open for Jovi in Lisbon though, they're playing in Madrid with Whitesnake and Europe on the very same day.
Originally Posted by pipinfort
I saw this tour in Manchester, Steel Panther went down a storm as did Crue who were excellent (the best I've seen them since '89) I left after 2 Def Leppard songs.......very boring
Crue weren't bad by all means (and the drumset rollercoaster was by far the biggest wow moment i've ever witnessed on any show), but as stated before Vince can't sing to save his life and after a while his voice became awfully annoying. the Leps had a somewhat slow start, but they picked up pretty fast. it wasn't mindblowing but it was a pretty decent show. shame you left after 2 songs, we got Gods Of War & Women. back to back too
that said, the most exciting band of the night were Steel Panther, hands down. they were funny, enthusiastic and they sounded especially good.
i wouldn't mind seeing the Leps with Bon Jovi, yet there's something about that image that doesn't feel right to me. even though i'd probably be ecstatic if that was ever to happen.