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Old 02-23-2017, 09:50 PM
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symbeline symbeline is offline
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Britney? I was really hoping for a cover the other night. Wouldn't that be amazing now that they are embracing EDM?

C'mon, David can sing high, he has the hair and the voice. Phil can dance and twirl while playing guitar and probably even do some cartwheels. And Jon can stand there while awkwardly arm-dancing like current day Britney

Ok, joking aside, why no covers? They did them way before the jukebox thingy with Bobby, he wasn't vital for that part. There are tons of songs to choose from that are instantly recognizable, easy, go well with Medicine (or Sleep) and Jon can catch his breath for a minute or two. With two competent guitar players and excellent backing vocals it really puzzles me why they have ditched them for this tour. Just when Jon needs them the most.

These days what's left of me ain't no Prince Charming

We know Jon, we know
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