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Old 04-27-2020, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by BJFan99 View Post
I've been wondering about this for a long time - is vocal chord damage automatically unrepairable? If he has pulmonary/respiratory issues caused by smoking, then of course improvement of any kind is out of question, but if it's "only" his chords that are wrecked, why don't they recover? Are they damaged so severely that there's absolutely no way he'll ever be able to regain even a bit of their former functionality?
There's no straight answer to that tbh. There are surgery options available for singers with damaged vocal chords but the success rate is not great, and it can actually make matters worse. It's quite possible Jon has had such surgery already and that might explain the rapid decline in 2017.

That said, stopping smoking would almost certainly help with the breathlessness and would probably prevent his voice deteriorating much more.

With all his wealth I can not believe that Jon has looked at every option available to him. It must be heartbreaking for him to sound how he sounds.
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