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Old 07-17-2015, 07:31 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
It does seem kind of appropriate by now, doesn't it? I mean, neither Richie nor Orianthi are members of Bon Jovi and that's whose recording with Richie these days. Ouch. That's the 2nd most pessimistic thing I've ever written on this board. Perhaps I'm drunk and need to go home.
I don't really care where it winds up but I think Richie will always be considered "the Bon Jovi guitarist" like John Lennon was "a Beatle" long after the Beatles broke up. And Becky, coming from you, I'd have to say this comment is probably more optimistic than pessimistic. He might be out of the band for now, but I don't think he, or discussions about him, are going away any time soon.

I'm kidding you, of course, but I do laugh about it, because people have been trying to get him out of the Topix discussions ever since they got pissed off at him, but the discussions about him are far more lively than any that have been started about the band. Just as an example, somebody posted about the single being released about 13 hours ago (shortly after it was posted here) and there hasn't been a single reply to it, whereas the thread here has already hit 5 pages. On the other hand, something like the Nikki Lund accustions got responses almost before it was posted. It's nuts! (which is all apropos of nothing, and I'm not sure why I posted it at all other than it's helping me stay awake until 3:45 a.m. Sorry...)
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