Thread: Phil X
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Old 11-06-2019, 12:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Johny View Post
This is probably the biggest Czech rock band called Lucie with their song from the latest album (201. The reason I'm sharing it here is that it's actually Phil X playing the guitars. I think he shines on the solo and outro.

Unfotunately, there is no other studio track version on youtube but the official video, where you can see the band's guitarist prented to play the parts. Btw he can't nail the solo, when he has to play it live.

Nejlepší kterou znám means The Best One I Know. Hope, you'll enjoy it, it's worth a listen, if you can stand my native tongue.
LUCIE - Nejlep?í, kterou znám (oficiální videoklip) - YouTube
Your native tongue is fine and the music isn't bad either. However if you hadn't told us, none of us would know that is Phil playing the guitar. And yes he shines but I like Phil and his guitar. He doesn't play in the style of Richie and many people criticize him for that. He is however, very much his own style.

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