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Old 10-20-2015, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
My 2 cts in since I'm the one who talked a little about Ori's musical background and I did so because * I thought (and still think) that her musical skills/background/career is what made Richie fall for her.* Now that they're writing and playing songs together, it seems to be relevant to know what kind of music she's into in order to know what to expect. For example, I don't think that Richie on his own would have played a Michael Jackson's song if it hadn't been Ori's favorite song.

In all honesty, if it's OK to speak about PhilX's career, it should be OK to speak about Ori's.
Now if you think this topic is not the right place to do so, tell me where is it? In an "Ori only" thread? Not relevant according to me since nobody here would be talking about her if she wasn't working with Richie. As to what I think about this particular thread, I expressed it in the past, just have a look at the previous pages.
I find it interesting that some of her guests at her 3 shows are musicians that also played on the R&O album but that's me. And me only maybe?

I'm not offended but I find it annoying and dishonest when people behave in a childish way and misquote me, misinterpret my posts and intentions, and when some think that "stating facts" is the same as "putting sb down". It makes it impossible to debate or even have a simple conversation and makes this place look like kindergarten where only bullies rule. Now if it is the way you want it to be, no problem, I couldn't care less.

* There's a YT video of the New Year's Eve charity gig where they first met: they're on opposite sides of the stage, not paying attention to each other, but when she starts playing a solo he suddenly startles and makes a face/wide opens his eyes as if struck by lightning, very much like Michael Corleone in Sicily when he first saw Appollonia (yes, I know it's fiction, it was in the script, but Pacino made it look really real, didn't he?). Ain't it cute?
This is all phrased like I'm disagreeing with you or on opposing sides. I just don't see it as side tracking. If there's enough of an issue we could easily make a thread about Orianthi's career and history.

I don't see what would classify as bullying, people are disagreeing, and a few people are throwing petty insults but, again to all, if you feel insulted you have to let us know. I don't want this to be Big brother or to be viewed as such. Some people are biased to the point where they can't debate the other side of things and yah, it's just not worth even trying because it'll just go nowhere. Posters need to know when to walk away from a convo, something I fall for way too much.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 10-20-2015, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
This is all phrased like I'm disagreeing with you or on opposing sides. I just don't see it as side tracking. If there's enough of an issue we could easily make a thread about Orianthi's career and history.

I don't see what would classify as bullying, people are disagreeing, and a few people are throwing petty insults but, again to all, if you feel insulted you have to let us know. I don't want this to be Big brother or to be viewed as such. Some people are biased to the point where they can't debate the other side of things and yah, it's just not worth even trying because it'll just go nowhere. Posters need to know when to walk away from a convo, something I fall for way too much.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, my "you" was a generic "you, the mods & JTers", not "you, Captain_Jovi". I know you're one of the very few here who accept the fact that people can have different opinions, as opposed to some who read posts with blinkers on, see only what they want to see and violently refuse opposite POVs. I just took the opportunity of your trying to ease tensions to make a generic remark about the subject, as I hinted to (check this thread and the other threads dedicated to Richie's album and not touring with BJ). I sorta feel insulted and bullied when my posts get deleted and I get banned for no valid reason but who cares? Likewise when posters complain about me and accuse me of derailing threads to make them about myself whenever I try to right a wrong and explain things. But being called an annoying person by people who can't communicate properly and debate like grown-ups is a compliment after all and it's very funny.

And please don't go thinking that I'm playing the victim here, I'm speaking for myself of course but you and I perfectly know that I'm not the only one who's regularly treated like this. Many registered members don't post anymore because they're sick and tired of seeing their messages getting altered and misinterpreted because of the bad faith of a small number of people, it's also what Seb basically said, and others before him, yet nothing changes, so be it!

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Old 10-20-2015, 09:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
Sorry for the misunderstanding, my "you" was a generic "you, the mods & JTers", not "you, Captain_Jovi". I know you're one of the very few here who accept the fact that people can have different opinions, as opposed to some who read posts with blinkers on, see only what they want to see and violently refuse opposite POVs. I just took the opportunity of your trying to ease tensions to make a generic remark about the subject, as I hinted to (check this thread and the other threads dedicated to Richie's album and not touring with BJ). I sorta feel insulted and bullied when my posts get deleted and I get banned for no valid reason but who cares? Likewise when posters complain about me and accuse me of derailing threads to make them about myself whenever I try to right a wrong and explain things. But being called an annoying person by people who can't communicate properly and debate like grown-ups is a compliment after all and it's very funny.

And please don't go thinking that I'm playing the victim here, I'm speaking for myself of course but you and I perfectly know that I'm not the only one who's regularly treated like this. Many registered members don't post anymore because they're sick and tired of seeing their messages getting altered and misinterpreted because of the bad faith of a small number of people, it's also what Seb basically said, and others before him, yet nothing changes, so be it!

Think positive!
Gotcha. We're trying to find a balance and a way to do it. To say "nothing changes" is not exactly true. It's just that not everyone is as accepting of our new way and we're struggling to not only maintain it, but find cracks in the problem so it's not without trying.

As to your temporary banning, that was something that came from an escalated conversation with a mod (who wasn't me) so it's tough for me to comment, defend or disagree with that.

Others before him have comment on what Seb has but a lot of it is based around us banning people they personally don't care for (whether reasons justified or not) and a good chunk of the time their problem could be settled with pressing the ignore button and tuning them. Trolling and over the top bullying won't be tolerating, that part is easier to zap away, it's the smaller arguments and derailings that are giving us the headache. We can either do it one way and have however many people like it can deal with it or we can go person to person and see what fits best.

I can't stress enough, if there's something happening PM one of the mods instead of back-door modding. This isn't me going after you, it's me saying again that people aren't complaining to us, they're complaining inside the threads. People's issues WILL be brought up in a private area to figure out how to proceed.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 10-20-2015, 10:30 PM
QUceK1WV8 QUceK1WV8 is offline
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Of course I am insulted when people repeatedly take snipes at me and label me as things I certainly do not agree with. I am also insulted when I am made a victim of straw man arguments and then called funny or laughable etc. etc.

It is just that I don't want the mods to do anything about it, since the easiest and most effective way to deal with it is to harden up at my end, I will just have to let things be. People will always disagree about things and I don't think there is anything fundamentally wrong with it.

Different communities have different moods and tolerance on what is acceptable, and the mods set the limits on the behaviour. I don't usually have any problems dealing with it and I don't remember ever being banned on any sites I have posted on. I seriously don't get what was so aggravating in my posts, but I dealt with it and stopped posting despite being baited repeatedly.

If I am or if I was out of line, I'd love to hear it and a PM from a mod would do wonderfully.
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Old 10-20-2015, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
...(I)f it's OK to speak about PhilX's career, it should be OK to speak about Ori's.

There's a YT video of the New Year's Eve charity gig where they first met: they're on opposite sides of the stage, not paying attention to each other, but when she starts playing a solo he suddenly startles and makes a face/wide opens his eyes as if struck by lightning, very much like Michael Corleone in Sicily when he first saw Appollonia (yes, I know it's fiction...)
It should be MORE than OK to discuss Orianthi's career at JT in general and here in particular, because now that she and Richie are lovers as well as musical collaborators, she not only reflects on Richie's judgement as a musician, but as a person, too.

If Jon were to decide to get rid of Phil because he wasn't good enough, well, Jon would simply be out one guitarist. But if Richie were to decide that Orianthi wasn't good enough, would he have to dump her as well -- or would she get mad and dump him?

In a similar vein, some of have you have found pictures of them with Richie holding what appear to be alcoholic drinks. Is Orianthi violating her girlfriend-ly duty by not keeping him away from a possible relaspe? Is she afraid of being rejected if she confronts him about it? Or is she tolerating his drinking to ensure her "job security" as both his musical and sexual partner? When you entangle your romantic, creative, and public lives, that becomes perfectly legitimate for fans to start wondering about.

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 10-21-2015 at 12:36 AM..
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Old 10-21-2015, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by QUceK1WV8 View Post
Of course I am insulted when people repeatedly take snipes at me and label me as things I certainly do not agree with. I am also insulted when I am made a victim of straw man arguments and then called funny or laughable etc. etc.

It is just that I don't want the mods to do anything about it, since the easiest and most effective way to deal with it is to harden up at my end, I will just have to let things be. People will always disagree about things and I don't think there is anything fundamentally wrong with it.

Different communities have different moods and tolerance on what is acceptable, and the mods set the limits on the behaviour. I don't usually have any problems dealing with it and I don't remember ever being banned on any sites I have posted on. I seriously don't get what was so aggravating in my posts, but I dealt with it and stopped posting despite being baited repeatedly.

If I am or if I was out of line, I'd love to hear it and a PM from a mod would do wonderfully.
When you feel insulted, bullied, or like someone is being a troll, you need to send a Private Message to the members of the Moderating Team--names can be found at the bottom of the forum. Of course, you would come out better sending a message to one of the moderators who is actually still active in the forums. In this case, you mentioned it on the board and the matter was taken to the moderating forum and discussed because you are a relatively new user (as in not that many posts). But if people are just going about their business without reporting that they feel insulted/bullied, we might just let them go about their business because we think, "They can handle it on their own."

Again, we can't stress enough that this is a work in progress. We haven't got a set policy because we're having to feel it out as we go along. We're trying to protect the users from bullies/trolls/etc.. without being too heavy-handed. But we're also trying to respond to complaints and take them seriously. It's a fine line on a tight rope.
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Old 11-01-2015, 07:14 PM
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Has anyone seen or watched live the NBC Sports interview with Richie at Breeders Cup Saturday? I've seen comments on twitter but no one has a copy linked.
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Old 11-02-2015, 10:47 AM
rolo_tomachi rolo_tomachi is offline
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
It should be MORE than OK to discuss Orianthi's career at JT in general and here in particular, because now that she and Richie are lovers as well as musical collaborators, she not only reflects on Richie's judgement as a musician, but as a person, too.

If Jon were to decide to get rid of Phil because he wasn't good enough, well, Jon would simply be out one guitarist. But if Richie were to decide that Orianthi wasn't good enough, would he have to dump her as well -- or would she get mad and dump him?
No how this affects. But only an observation, Jon has kept Bobby for 10 years and was not a big deal, it could have gotten a better guitar player, but is his friend of new jersey.

Richie's case is somewhat different. Orianthi is better than Richie right now, or at least feels fresher. I think there is every reason to keep Orianthi in this project. One band of duets, is something that few musicians do. Is a great idea. Let's be honest, if Jon did an album of duets with Sheryl Crow would also be fantastic. Only they were not lovers.

Last edited by rolo_tomachi; 11-02-2015 at 10:55 AM..
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Old 11-02-2015, 10:48 PM
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I think it's the first time ever that their two names appear on a guestlist.

Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors Fund announces 5th annual ‘Home For The Holidays’ benefit concert line-up

NEW YORK – Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors Fund ( today announced the lineup for its 5th annual “Cyndi Lauper & Friends: Home for the Holidays” benefit concert Saturday, Dec. 5 at New York City’s historic Beacon Theatre to raise awareness about LGBT youth homelessness. 100 percent of the net proceeds from the concert will support the True Colors Fund’s programs.

Cyndi Lauper will be joined on stage this year by Boy George, Cam, Judy Gold, Ledisi, Keb’ Mo’, Sharon Osbourne, Jordan Pundik, Richie Sambora & Orianthi, Valerie Simpson, Anne Steele, Joey Taranto, Justin Tranter, Kurt Vile, and host Carson Kressley. Additional guests will be announced soon. Tickets will be available to the general public at starting Friday, Nov. 6 at 12 p.m.
Full article:

theqof #greatcause

FB orianthi
Great cause , Richie and I will be supporting !

Last edited by Old Joysey; 11-03-2015 at 01:35 AM..
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Old 11-03-2015, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
I think it's the first time ever that their two names appear on a guestlist.

Trivia Question: At the end the gig on the New York Stranger In This Town tour, Richie played this:

It was co-written by someone on the guest list above -- do you know who?

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...
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