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Old 08-22-2014, 01:59 AM
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Johny Johny is offline
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Ok, I'm deaf probably because I don't the performance is the disaster you talk about. Yes, it's far from perfect, his voice deteoriated as his playing did but I think this is his standard these days and it wasn't particulary worse than what he was perfoming thoughout the tour.
Actually I really enjoyed the video probably because of the amazing quality of the video.

I'Ve accidentaly watched a few song from the Ferguson show... well, I can't believe how good he looked back then and the perfromances were miles miles better than now. Dispite all those things and knowing it could and should be much better I still enjoy what he is doing.
"If you got a dream, no matter what anybody tells you, if you think that you’ve got to go for it, then you should go for it, because you’ve got one life. And the next time somebody tells you: ‘You can’t do that’ you can tell them to screw themselves, because it’s your life and you do what the hell you want with it. So this is a song about having a dream and chasing it, till you find the Bright Lights." - Aldo Nova.
Aldo Nova - Bright Lights
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